Part 20 :She smiled at me and I smiled back

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I was pleased to hear the arrival of a carriage, Carmilla and Mademoiselle De Lafontaine   were arriving with the tea.
But I was sorry that my dear friends were coming into this sad place..

The General heard nothing.  He dried his eyes and looked at the ground. He was lost in thought.
Above the door of the church was a stone monster. It had big, round eyes and an evil smile .
And then, just bellow it, I saw the lovely face of Carmilla in the shadow of the door.

She smiled at me and I smiled back. I walked towards her .Suddenly , with a loud cry , the old General ran towards her with axe !
Her face became terrible and monstrous . She stepped back and down , like an animal .
He attacked her with the axe, but she moved to the side.she caught his wrist in her small hand.he tried to free his arm , but she was too strong for him .his hand opened and the axe fell to the ground .and then she disappeared...

The General fell back against the wall .his grey hair stood up on his head and his face was ghostly white. He looked close to death

Madame perredon came into the church
"Where is Madamoiselle Carmilla?' She asked me again and again...
I found it difficult to speak.
"I don't know'.I said."she went through there ' I pointed at the doorway.
"But I was standing on the other side of that doorway .I saw her come in here through the door, but she didn't come out again'.

She began to call her name through every door and window .but there was no answer.
'What did she call herself?" Asked the general "Carmilla??'

'Carmilla, yes " I answered .
'Carmilla, Mircalla... she is the same monster"  he said "long ago, she was called Mircalla , countess Karnstein.Leave this terrible place , my child, as quickly as you can. Take the
Carriage and go to the priest's house. Stay there until we come. I hope you never see Carmilla again '.
Hope you enjoy this chapter♥ love you all ♥

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