Part 18

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'Can you show me where the grave was?' Asked the General.
The woodcutter shook his head.

'Nobody knows that now, , people say that her body was taken. But nobody really knows that either' he said.

"Can I borrow your axe , my good man ?" Asked the general, handing the woodcutter a piece of silver .

The woodcutter put his axe down and left us.
"Now let me finish my story' said the general .

'Bertha was becoming worse' said the general , continuing his story ."our family doctor- Dr Koubek- could do nothing for her. I sent for another doctor from Gratz . His name was Dr Plaschake,
And he arrived a few days later.
After speaking some time with Bertha , the two doctors discussed her health in the library. I waited in the room next door.
When their voices became loud and heated , I knocked on the door .
The old doctor from Gratz was explaining his ideas , while Dr Koubek laughed at him rudely . They fell silent as I walked in.

'General, our friend from Gratz thinks we are stupid country people ! He is trying to sell us a crazy idea about monsters from the grave !' Said the Dr Koubek.

"Excuse me!! I'll explain my own views. I'm sorry , but before I go i will write down my ideas". Said Dr Plaachake.

And so Dr Plaschake left.
'I read the letter.

The patient, he wrote, is weak and tired.she is pale
And she has lost a lot of blood. An examination of her neck showed two small blue circles.
She has terrible dreams about a black cat and about swimming in ice-cold water . There is only one possible answer :the patient is suffering from the visit of a vampire.

His letter explained what I had to do.
'I didn't laugh at the Old doctor's view. I didn't believe in vampires, but I followed the suggestions in his letter exactly!.

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