part 6 : Mircalla Or Carmilla?

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The next evening, we had another visitor at the castle. It was the picture cleaner, , bringing back our paintings. He came from Gratz, our nearest city, a day's drive away ..

The picture cleaner's assistants brought in two large cases. They opened the cases and took the pictures out one by one , my father had a list of paintings in his hand ...

'These pictures were very dirty when they left us three months ago; My father explained to Carmilla . 'They were black with age and smoke , and you could not see the subjects of the paintings , we are really seeing some of them for the first time ''
Carmilla did not answer . She sat lazily on a sofa ...

Then one of the pictures__ small and square__caught my eye. In fact, it shocked me !!!! The picture cleaner noticed my interest.

"I am very pleased with this one; he said . 'Look how bright the colours are ! "

It was not the colours , but the subject that interested me . It was a picture of a young woman , at the bottom of the painting , it said ;Mircalla, countess karnstein 1898" .

**You remember that my mother's family were karnsteins .

The woman was quite beautiful . She seemed to be almost alive, she looked exactly like Carmilla !!

'Carmilla, look at this!!? " I said ; Here you are in this is just like you ! Is it not beautiful , Father ? And see , Carmilla , even the colour of your hair is the same . Can I hang this in my room , father ?? "

'Yes , of course" my father said ."it is a very pretty picture , I am glad you like it'; he laughed and moved on the next picture

Carmilla looked at me and smiled , then she said " I believe there were Karnsteins in my family too , Many hundreds of years ago. And there any karnsteins living now?'

I said "I don't think there is anyone alive with the name of Karnstein,,, their family castle is very near here , but it has been empty for many years , the roof fell in long ago'.

She said "How interesting ,, But look at the beautiful moon outside, Let's take a walk down to the road and the river ". She put her arm around me and walked ......

'It's just like the night you arrived ". I said

Carmilla smiled ' you want to hang the picture of me in your room " she said . She rested her head on my shoulder . "Are you glad I came??' She said

'Of course Carmilla "I said ; I am very happy ,,
She smiled : ) and said " I have never loved anyone except you!

Her body was shaking, she gave me a strange look , and then ahe made that low animal sound !!!
I pulled away and looked at her face , her eyes were strangely dead and her face was pale .....

'I live in you, my dear " she said ;I know you will die for me , I know !!!'.

'Are you ill , Carmilla ? ' I said , pushing her away , "are you going to fall?Let's go back inside. Come with me!! I will get you some wine ".

'I am a little cold, but let's look at the moonlight for a minute. I may never see it with you again'!!!!

Now I was worried! Why did she said that ?!

The my father camed and said "' my dear , have you heard from your mother since you arrived?

;No '.carmilla said

'Do you know where i can write to her?'- my father said

'No" carmilla said "but I am thinking of leaving you. You have already been too kind to me . I would like to take a carriage tomorrow, and follow her .. I know where I can find her but I can't tell you! "

'Please my dear "my father said '.do not think of leaving , your mother placed you in our hands , and you must stay with us"

'Father why do you want to write to Carmilla's mother "I said

My father answered' I am worried about the mysterious illness that is taking so many lives, I would like to discuss it with her mother , but if we can't reach her I will do my best ,, you must not leave us !! Carmilla , until we hear from her'

'Thank you sir'. She said" I would love to stay , I have never been so happy in my life before ....... .
Hey guys!!!
I hope you enjoy this part and please tell me what do you think happening next ?
Why did Carmilla talking like that ?
what is your ideas ??

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Love you all <3

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