part 5 :Love?..... but I hate it

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Sometimes, her eyes become cold and narrow....
'You are mine, you will be mine . You and I are one forever;"
she said ,,like an angry lover!!

'What do you mean by all this?! " I asked her 'Am I like somebody that you love?? Please do not say these things - I hate it

She dropped my hand and turned away .
I could not understand her at these times . Perhaps she was crazy! Or she was a boy , dressed like a girl, , there were stories like that in old books , but I didn't believe it ...

At other times we were friends . We talked about silly things ,,
We laughed , we sat in silence , but even then , when I looked at her suddenly ..... sometimes her eyes were following me closely.

But her way of living was strange to us , ,,
She stayed in her room all morning, , ,,,,and never came downstairs before one o'clock ,, she then drank a cup of chocolate, ,,,,,but ate nothing , when we went for a walk she quickly became tired, Her body was always Lazy and sleepy, while her mind was quick and intelligent. ...

We were playing cards by the tall windows in the sitting_room
One afternoon, , A Man __a traveller__ come through the castle gates . I knew him cause he visited the castle twice a year with his dog, , I loved playing with the little dog^^...

His back was rounded and he could not stand up straight, ,,,he had long black hair ,, long white teeth and a sharp face, , he was always smiling from ear to ear . His coat was long , black and red , , he carried a light on a stick in one hand and two boxes under his arm .
When I was a child I loved to look in the boxes ,, in each one there was a 'monster' , made from parts of different dried animals , his little dog ran at his feet , Usually the dog loved to come into the castle ,, but this time he sat outside and made a terrible crying noise. !

'"What is wrong with the dog "? I asked carmilla , she did not answer me ,,

When the traveller saw us , he took off his hat . He put down his stick and boxes ,, he played us a dance and sang a silly song, the servants all laughed . I laughed too.

What can I interest you in , ladies? He called up in terrible french . ' I hear there are vampires in the area ,, people are dying everywhere I go !! I have a something ... one minute " how about a lucky charm ??

He held up his lucky charm , they were pretty things!!*
"'The charms never fail; he said ' they keep vampires and other monsters away at night . Just put one next to your head when you sleep then you will sleep like a baby and nobody will visit you in the night....

Carmilla bought one immediately, and I did too .
Then he looked at Carmilla and said 'is the young lady angry?"

The young lady was looking very angry .she gave the poor man an evil look .,,,,



I hope you enjoy this part ,,, please don't forget to vote&comment and share it with your friends ...

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