part 17: There were vampires, sir!

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I sat down and my father stood near me. The General called to the woodcutter. The man stopped his work and came into the church , Carrying his axe.

'Can you show me the grave of the Countess Karnstein?"the General asked

'No i don't know where it is' said the woodcutter.

"Have you worked in this forest for a long time?" my father asked him.

''I have been a woodcutter here all my days, working under the forester . My father was a woodcutter too ,, and his father.
I can show you my family's house in this village_ my father lived here for hundreds of years"

'Why did everyone leave the village?" Asked the General.

'There were Vampires, sir , Many villagers were killed' he said.

A silence followed these words. My father looked quickly at me.
'Continue,' said the General.

'The Vampires were followed to their graves .the graves were opened and they were killed in the usual way. Their heads were cut off and stakes were pushed through their hearts. Then their bodies were burned ! ".

'Was that the end of it?' Asked my father.

'No,, many vampires were destroyed , but still people were
dying. Then one day , a Moravian man was travelling through Styria and he heard about the trouble . Like many people from
his country , he knew all about Vampires... He offered to help the village. He chose a night with a bright moon.
Climbing to the roof of the little church , he prepared to watch the graves below. He didn't have to wait long before the
Vampire come out of her grave.
The monster took off her white clothes and put them on the ground next to her grave .
Then she disappeared towards the village.

The stranger came down from the roof, picked up the clothes and climbed back up . When the vampire returned some hours later , she screamed angrily ...
The Marovian waved the clothes at her from the roof . He invited the vampire to come for them . She began to climb up.
When she reached the Moravian , he produced an axe . He cut the Vampire's head from her body ! He took her body and burned it in a secret place . The Moravian then destroyed the grave of Mircalla. Countess of Karnstein'.

I know it was too late for updating new part :/ but I had exams and need more vote and comments :)

So please everyone tagg 3 of your friends and don't forget vote  and comments...
If you really like it share it with the friends who loves vampire stories ^.^

At the end thank you and love you all ♥...

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