part 3:Bad news

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Twelve years passed after that terrible night and the bad dream did not return. I lived a quiet life. It was an easy life too..
Most of the time , I did what I wanted, I learned my lessons, I went for long walks and I read books. There were a few girls of my age in the area. I visited them sometimes , or they visited me.
Now I'll tell a very strange story, you'll find it hard to believe........but it's true. I was there.

One sweet summer evening, my father and I went for a long walk .Some visitors were coming the next day, but my father had some bad news..... :(
__General spielsdorf cannot visit us until later in the year'

___But I want to meet Bertha!she is exactly my age and I have never met her!!
The General had no children of his own. Bertha was his sister's daughter . When his sister died, Bertha moved into the General's house. Her visit was an important day for me :(
__when are they coming??

__The general is not coming until the autumn .but I am very glad that you and Bertha never met!!

__How can you say that?! You know I have thought about this visit for weeks!!!

__because the poor young lady is dead :( I'm afraid general is very unhappy , he says in his letter that he is going crazy ..

We sat down under some beautiful old trees near the river...........I read the letters and my eyes filled with tears

I have lost my dearest girl. Bertha was my sister's child but she was like my own daughter. She was in a danger and I had no idea. Now I know everything, and it's too late.
A monster was in my house and she has killed my child.i was stupid... I will search for that terrible monster. There is almost no light to guide me. I cannot write or talk sensibly .I'll see you in the autumn
Your friend, Roland spielsdorf

We talked about general's strange letter as we walked slowly along the road.
That night the moon lit up the river. There was no sweeter picture . It felt sad too, because I was still thinking about the general's shocking news ..
'Some people have bad dreams, others feel nervous....some people going crazy;Mademoiselle said
My father said; I have a bad feeling tonight ,, I feel that some great danger is hanging over us ...
Just then we heard the sound of horses and carriage wheels on the road, arriving at high speed. They came suddenly, over the bridge ,,
Two men on horses arrived first, followed by a team of four carriage horses. They were racing along the road too fast. Loud, high screams came from the carriage windows.

I knew what was coming. I shut my eyes and covered my ears with my hands. The ladies and the horses screamed , the men shouted , there was a terrible crashing noise.
I opened my eyes, two horses were on the ground, and the carriage was on its side two wheels in the air. The wheels were going round and round.
As the wheels slowed down , a well-dressed lady climbed out of the carriage, a younger lady was lifted out by some of the men and put down on the grass .
She was not moving, my dear old father ran to the girl and felt her wrist. Then he looked at the older lady and said
' she is alive :)
The lady smiled and looked up to the skies in thanks...

And she said I have to go but my daughter cannot travel with me ...
Then I said ' please dad invite her to stay with us, , please!!!!
Then my father asked the older lady and she was so happy and thanked us !!

. So do you want to know who is she?!!!!!!

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