part 8 : Bloody nightdress

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This strange state continued for yhree weeks . I became pale and there were dark rings around my eyes .

'Are you ill , my dear " my father often asked me.

'I am quite well'. I always answered.

Why did I say that?? Why did I not ask for his help? Perhaps because, in one sense . It was true . I was not in pain .

Carmilla was also suffering strange dreams and feeling . But she was not as ill as me ..

One night, I heard a different voice in my dream . It was not the clear female voice that I usually heard ,, it was sweet but also terrible .

'This is your mother '. It said . I didn't know the voice , because I never knew my mother's voice !..
"Someone is trying to kill you. You must be careful !"

At exactly the same time, my candle suddenly burned brightly ,
I saw my room clearly , there , at the foot of my bed, I saw Carmilla!! She wore white nightdress, but from head to foot she was washed in blood , I woke up with a terrible scream . The next minute, I was standing outside my room, crying for help ......

Madame perrodon and Mademoiselle De Lafontaine arrived quickly.
'I have had a terrible dream" I said , I described it to them ,, I could see in their faces that they understood me ..

'We must wake Carmilla" I said . We went to her door and knocked loudly.
'Carmilla!! Are you there? ' I called . We all knocked .we screamed her name ...
It was enough to wake dead people in their graves ., but there was no answer,

We tried to open the door . It was locked as usual . NOW we were really frightened ,, we ran back to my room and rang for servants ,,
MY father's bedroom was on other side of the house , so he couldn't hear us ...
The servants ran up the stairs ,, I ordered the men to kick open Carmilla's door .,,
We looked into the dark room , but we saw nothing ,, we called her name ,,,,,, but there was no answer .

Slowly we went into the room and looked around . Nothing was different ,, from the evening before_except that Carmilla was not there , But ...




- Heyyy guys

Hope you like it
And I'm gonna tell you something new and interesting about Carmilla !!

What do you think about her?
Where did she going to??
Why her dress was bloody??
Please tell me your ideas !! :)

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Love you all <3

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