Part22: Believe in vampires

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  I had questions for my father.

'What happened in the church, Father?' I asked. 'Please explain to me where Carmilla is.' You, of course, have already guessed the answers. But I, in the middle of it, did not know what to think.
Remember that I was very weak by now. But everything was a secret, and my father refused to answer my questions. That night, two servants and Madame Perrodon sat in my bedroom. The priest and my father watched from the dressing room.

I did not understand why they were all there. Carmilla disappeared. My nightly suffering ended too. I understood it all clearly a few days later. You perhaps know that many people in Styria, in Moravia, in Serbia, in Poland, and even in Russia, believe in vampires.

We cannot say that vampires do not exist. In these countries, judges, priests, doctors and officers of the law have written reports of vampires. And these same judges, priests, doctors and officers of the law were all chosen because they were honest and intelligent men. I cannot explain my story in any other way. I was visited by a vampire.

The next day, the judge came from Gratz to the little church in Karnstein. Law officers, two doctors, the priest, the General, the General's friend, my father and I stood around the grave of the Countess of Karnstein. 

The grave was opened.inside lay a beautiful woman.My father,the General and i knew her immediately. She was Mircalla , the Countess of Karnstein . She was Millarca .she was Carmilla .

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