part 15: Her strange ways!!

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Bertha and her nee friend were soon happy again.. Mircalla put her mask on, and we all went back into the gardens ....
The music was beginning again by the lake . Yhe three of us walked together around the gardens, in and out of the crowd.

Mircalla described many of the great people around us . And told us funny stories about them . I liked her more all the time ..

That evening we began our journey back to our castle. Mircalla came with us.

At first, I was very pleased to have a new friend for Bertha but the visit didn't go well.... The first problem was that Mircalla was still weak from her illness .she was always very tired and never
Came downstairs until afternoon.
Second, we discovered a very strange fact.she always locked her room from the inside and never took the key out of the lock ..
As I have said,,she slept most of the day ..

But we often saw her from the windows of the castle in the grey light of early morning.
She walked through the trees, towards the east , like a person walking in her sleep .
But how did she get out of her room when it was still locked on the inside ????!

While I was worrying abou Mircalla, a much worst thing happened!!

Bertha became ill and she began to lose her looks and her health. But it wasn't a simple illness!!

At first she was frightened by terrible dreams..
Then she began to see ghosts in her room ...
Sometimes the ghost looked like Mircalla!
Sometimes it was in the shape of a wild animal ..
It walked around her bed,, moving from side to side...
And then she had strange feelings.....
One was quite pleasant , she said, she felt that she was swimming in ice-cold water .. ....
Another time , she felt sharp pain in her neck .it was like two large needles going into her skin . A few nights after that ,,,,,
She felt hands tight around her neck..'

The General's voice was shaking now and he stopped speaking!
I listened to the General's words as we came near to the village of Karnstein . You can imagine how frightened I became!!
It was like looking into a mirror. !

And when the General described their guest and her strange ways, he was describing Carmilla exactly!!!

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