Part 14 :Her strange request

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While I waited , I decided to join the conversation between Bertha and Mircalla ,,

The old woman returned and said ' I have just received some terrible news , I must leave now , and travel all night and all day.
I must go as fast as I can . There is something that I want to ask you . But as you don't know my name , perhaps you will refuse my request. ? My poor child fell from horse a few days ago and she is not strong. The doctor says she must rest ..we had to travel here very slowly--no more than two hours a day. But now my return journey is a matter of life and death ! I'll explain the reason for my journey when I visit you ... I hope I can visit you at your lovely house in a few week's time.."

Shd then made her request . It was a very strange request!!
""My dear General ,, while I'm away , could you give a home to my poor daughter?"

At the same time , Bertha came to my side and spoke quietly in my ear ."please can I invite my new friend to visit us? If her mother says yes , I'll be so happy !"

Of course I wanted to say no because I knew nothing about them But there was no time to think.... ghe two ladies stood in front of me . The beautiful young lady looked at me and I couldn't refuse . I heard myself say yes .... I invited the young lady to stay with us.

"You'll be safe with us ' I said .

My own words surprised me . Why was I offering my home to the stranger!?

"General , I must ask one more thing, please don't ask my daughter about me ". The older woman said.

Mircalla looked at me sadly that I felt sorry for my thoughts. It was impossible to be unkind to her!....

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