Part 13 : A slow Death

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The General took a minute to prepare himself . He then told the strangest story that I have ever heard ...

'A few days before our visit to you, Bertha and I were invited to a dance at Carlsfed Castle . It was a wonderful evening with many important guests -- counts and countesses , even a prince and a princess! . When we arrived , all the guests were outside in the gardens . They wore fine clothes and masks .. the night airwas warm and it was very romantic ..
Coloured lights hung from the trees , Guests sat in pretty boats on the lake and listened to some of the finest singers in Europe ,

The music was beautiful. You know that I love music .. I believe there has never been a finer party --even in Paris!!
At the back of the castle, ,glass doors opened onto the gardens.
Guests walked around the tables , watching the crowd. Somebody seemed to watch us too--a young lady ...
I was not sure at the time, but I'm sure now ,, the young lady walked near us , with an older lady at her side. Perhaps they were mother and daughter, Both wore masks and beautiful red dresses ....

The dancing began later and everyone went inside the castle . I stood at the sideand watched Bertha ___ she danced beautifully .

She didn't wear a mask , and her fresh young face was a picture .... after two or three dances ,,she stopped for a rest ..
She sat in a chair and I stood behind her . I noticed the same two ladies in red dresses , they came towards us ,
The younger lady sat next to my child ,, the older woman spoke to me : 'General Spielsdorf "she said ' we meet again! Do you remember our last meeting-at Gratz Castle? You had to leave early because you were not well.i hope you are well tonight".

She talked about other dinners, other parties, from my past, she spoke about my friends ,my conversation ...yes , I remembered them , but I didn't remember her? She knew all about me !But who was she??

Suring this time , her daughter sat with Bertha , she introduced herself as MIRCALLA -- a strange name!!

'"My mother is an old friend of yours, I believe,, ' she talked to Bertha like a best friend . She loved her dress ..she said clever, sometimes unkind, things about the other guests, and Bertha laughed . In half an hour, they became the best friends and
Mircalla took off her mask . She was so pretty .
Bertha could not take her eyes off her .

""Dear lady", I said to her mother ,"you seem to know me well . Please let me see behind the mask",

"General!! That's not polite to ask a lady that! It's many years since we met . Years aren't kind to ladies and perhaps you will not know me !" She said .

'Dear lady , I can see that you are not an old woman " I said ,

'"Mircalla is my daughter ,, so I cannot be young and please don't ask me to take off my mask " she said.

Then the lady said quickly 'General !Please keep my place, I will return in a minute".
She walked a little way away with the man in black .. They talked seriously for a short time , then they slowly walked away together, and I lost them in the crowd !! .
Hey friends !!
How are you ? I missed wattpad xD
I had exams and yesterday I finished :)
Hope u enjoy this part ^.^

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