part 4 : A beautiful guest

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We watched the carriage disappear into the dark forest...the silence returned. It felt like a dream, except for the young lady .she till lay on the grass, after a few minutes she opened her eyes

"Where is Mama?? She asked in a very sweet voice. She turned her face to us . We all saw how lovely she was.
She had many questions,

'Where am I? What is this place? I cannot see the carriage ?! My nurse where is she??

'We will answer all your questions when you are feeling better; said Madame perrodon kindly , "you are safe with us! :)

Then the young lady remembered the crash and she was happy that nobody was hurt ,,,

Then my father said -' your mother has left you with us , she will be back in three month's time .. and at that news the girl cried

Madame perrodon put her arm around her she was able to stand by now and we walked through the castle father sent a servant on horseback to find the doctor. He sent other servants upstairs to make a bedroom ready for our new guest... then we walked and we talked about our guest ..

I said " I am sure the young lady will tell us about everything happened tonight;

My father said " I don't think she will;

I said quietly " tell me everything father, what did the lady say to you ?

My father answered "" she said -' my daughter is weak and nervous after a long illness but she is not crazy!!

I said " why did she say that?? She didn't need to say it , how strange ?!

My father continued his report ' she then said " I am making a long and difficult journey. It's very important and highly secret . I will return for my child in three month's time . While I am away, she will tell you nothing about us!!.Please do not ask her who we are ?! Do not ask her where we come from . DO not ask her where I am travelling"" and thats all she said ! She left so quickly.

I said -' I'm very excited I feel that this evening has changed our lives forever!!

My father said" I hope you are right, Laura'
The doctor finally arrived at one o'clock in the morning, my father and I waited in the sitting room while he visited the patient.
After half an hour he came back and said "" your guest is sitting up and she is perfectly well, ,she is a little shocked, but she is not hurt, you can visit her now .. Laura she would love to see you.
I ran upstairs
She sat up in the large bed , she looked very pretty in the candlelight , but there was also something strange about her ..

My dear__; I started to speak but then I stopped , I stepped back from her. Why did I stop , you are thinking , I will tell you .


Her face was the face from my dream !!!!! It was the face that visited me so often at night . And when I saw that face , I felt terror !

We were silent for more than a minute, and then she smiled .
'How wonderful !" She said . Her smile become softer. "Twelve years ago I saw your face in a dream, it has lived in my memory since that night ,,"

'Yes , wonderful!" I repeated slowly. I was fighting my teror ' twelve years ago I saw you , I could not forget your face . It has stayed in my memory since that night;
Then I remembered that she was a guest in our castle.

"Welcome to our home' I said to her "i am very sorry about your accident .but I am very happy that you are here;..

She smiled and took my hand in hers . Her face did not seem strange now . It was pretty and intelligent.
-'I must tell you about my dream" she said .' I was a child about six . I found myself in a strange , dark room , full of furniture .
I thought the bed was empty.

I thought I was alone in the room ,,
I decided to hide under a chair, then I heard crying .
I looked out from under the chair and I saw you in bed ,,you were exactly as I see you now !.
You were a beautiful young lady , with gold hair and large blue eyes .
. I climbed onto the bed and put my arms around yoy ..... you stopped crying and we both fell asleep.
. Suddenly , you sat up and screamed . I was terrified. And I hid under the bed , then I woke up and I was at home ...................

I have never forgotten your lovely face....never , you are the lady that I saw '.
I now told her my dream she didn't believe it.!
""I'm a little afraid of you' I said,
""" you are so pretty that I am not afraid of you'. She said ; Last time we met was twelve years ago.,,. Now we are both young ladies . I feel that we are already friends , and I have never had a friend?;.
What were my feelings towards her???? They are hard to describe ,, yes I wanted to be her friend but I also wanted to run away from her!!
Then she said:" goodnight my new friend :) I will see you again but not early. . I never get up before midday ,,

Next afternoon she came down and asked for a cup of chocolate, then we talked , there were something I hated about my new friend , she refused to tell me anything about herself , her mother , her history or her life..
I learned only three things:
1. Her name was Carmilla
2.Her family was very old and very important .
3.Her home lay in the west..

Please forgive me' she said "" that is all that I can say . I would like to tell you everything;.

Tell me then!! " I said
'One day soon , after my mother returns, I promise I'll answer all your questions !!
Sometimes she put her arms around my neck ,, ' I feel so close to you one day you'll feel close to other people too ,,,, you'll taste that wonderful feeling . It's not evil it's love ..!

What was she talking about ? I didn't like having her arms around me and I tried to get away . But her voice was like a music and I almost fell asleep . I didn't like her at these times , I felt afraid with her ........

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