part 7 : bad dreams again !

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A candle burned on My bedside table and I soon fell asleep

Like carmilla, I locked my bedroom door ...I also looked under the bed before I got into it .

I had a dream that night , I was lying in the bed and I could see the room and its furniture, , But it was very dark..
Then something moved at the foot of the bed .. At first I could not see what it was ,,,

but soon I saw that was a Black animal_like a monstrous cat !...

It walked from the door to the window and back , and back again , I was terrified...
It walked faster and faster . The room became darker. Until I could only see the cat's bright yellow eyes ,,, it jumped lightly onto the bed . The two eyes came close to my face , and suddenly

I felt a sharp pain in my neck!
The pain was like two needless pushing through my skin..
I screamed and woke up. The candle lit the room ,
I saw a woman at the foot of the bed .. she wore a dark dress and her hair fell around her shoulders .
She stood there , like a stone. Without moving , the woman suddenly changed her place in the room . She was nearer the door. She was next to the door . The door opend and closed .. opened and closed ..... I screamed ,,

Then she disappeared. !

I ran to the door , as I thought it was locked !! . I was afraid , I jumped into my bed and pulled the bedclothes over my head..
I did not move or sleep until morning ...

I did not tell my father about it , because "He will laugh at me , or he will think I'm ill , and I don't want to worry him ,,,,,

I spent the morning with Madame perrodon , I told her about my dream she was worried ..

Then Carmilla came downstairs later than usual that day. When we were alone, she told me about her dream , she dreamed of a black shape , she said it came around her bed , and she woke up then for a few seconds she saw a dark man by the fireplace .

'I was saved" Carmilla said '-By the lucky charm that we bought from that poor traveller . It was on the little table by my bed'

'Well listen to me " I said .
I then described my terrible dream , she was shocked by it .
'Did you have your lucky charm?" She asked

'No, I left it in the sitting room' I said " but I'll have it with me tonight if it worked for you , perhaps it will work for me '.

I cannot imagine how I slept alone that night , I remember that I put the charm next to my bed .,, I fell asleep immediately, and slept very deeply. The next night was the same , when I woke , I felt tired and sad ,,, But . Strangely, it was almost a pleasant felling,.....

'You see!' Carmilla said, the next afternoon .'I told you. I wore the charm around my neck and I slept beautifully too'.

For five or six nights, I slept deeply ,, but every morning I felt even more tired . My mind and body felt heavy ,. I thought often about dying , but in a sad , sweet way . I was changing , but I couldn't stop it ,,, I said nothing to my father and I didn't ask for the Doctor .

Carmilla was always at my side . She talked more often of her wild love for me !!. As her felling became stronger ....

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