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I'm so bored! But I have to learn this crap...Freya probably got dinner already but...I'll get subway on the way home.

When detention was over I grabbed the keys to my old car. I head out to my car when I see a really cute guy spray painting a really weird sign on a wall, probably a gang sign.

I walked to my car unlocked it and turned to find the boy inches away from my face. He smiled and I have him a awkward hi. I push him away a little and put my hand on the car door handle I cast a spell on him to Be blind for 10 seconds, but it doesn't effect him. Instead my car tires popped and he grabbed me and forcefully kissed me, he was so good looking I almost melted into the kiss but instead I pusses him off me punched him and did a spell on my tires then drove off to subway. When I looked back the boy was gone.

When I arrived at sub way I stole 10 pre made sandwiches and they were the way I liked em.

When I arrived at the shack Freya was wearing the same thing I was.
"Clothes?!" I say dramatically.
"I went 'shopping' today a got a whole lot a stuff...did you see the car! That my friend is baby!"

I rolled my eyes and held up the sandwiches. Freya pointed to the table which had chicken and salad.
"Oh" I say. She rolls her eyes and puts the sandwiches in the fridge.
"Well you hungry or you're just gonna stand there?"
I jump over to the table and eat.
When we are done I go to my room peel off my clothes and put on my music note pajamas.

Freya walks I the room with two hot chocolates with whip cream and marshmallows. She hands me a cup then we do our own thing. She changes into a tank top and some pj shorts and starts drawing til she sleeps.

I text some of my friends from school, me and Frey like to have a low profile. So I have like 5 friends in total well 6 counting Freya. All my friends are misty, morgen, Taylor, Tyler, and Clarke.
We make jokes and talk about boyfriends and girlfriends and our future. I tell them I'm going to sleep.
Then put my phone on the floor next to me, my bed and Freyas are just mattresses on the floor, and then I fall asleep.

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