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(The top two tattoos are Freya's and the other there are Molly's)

When I met with Molly outside the school she had a boy with her. Probably Shawn.
"Freya, this is Shawn." She points at him. I say hi and scratch the back of my neck. He says hi back.

"You guys take the Porsche and follow me to the place." They both nodded.
I hopped on my bike getting a glance from Shawn.

I put on my helmet and gave them the thumbs up and they gave me the same.

When we arrived to the place I hopped off my motorcycle and took off my helmet. I was wearing the same thing last night except I had on black jean shorts.

"Let's go!" I say excited.
"Has she gotten a tattoo before?" Asked Shawn to Molly.
"Just one, she got it when she was 16." I heard her answer.

I walked up to the desk and before I said anything, the lady at the desk asked very rudely "I know who you are mrs. Moons and her friends, room 4. You guys will take turns." I nodded then she said. "Enjoy the pain!"

We walked to room 4 and Molly knocked on the door. "Come in!" Said a man. When we walked in, the place looked scarier than I remembered.
"Moons, your up."

I sat down on the leathery chair pulled out my phone and showed him the pic of my dragon tattoo. "Front of my shoulder please!" I say and pull down the strap to my shirt.

He gets the stuff ready and then begins. I flinch when he begins but the. After a few seconds I'm fine. It hurts but I'm good. When he's done I show him the picture of the other tattoo and he takes out my wrist and starts.

After me it was Molly. She shakily sat down and pulled out the three pictures.
He started on the feather on her ankle.
She looked terrified she started tearing up. Shawn ran to her side and held her hand. When the tattoo was done he wrapped it. He then started on the anchor on the side. Same drill, then the neck one, she cried on that one.

When we were done, Shawn paid and we left.

"I'll drive!" Shawn said to Molly. She nodded in response.

When they left I hopped on my motorcycle and sped off home.
When I got home I took a warm shower and went to bed.

My last thought was Eric before I was pulled into the dream world.

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