The Little Girl

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Freya's POV~

Molly said she was going to the store, so I was left here with Shawn...

"So uh..." He started scratching the back of his neck. "What's..up?
"" "Nothing..."
I nodded and started humming.
"I'm gonna got down to the beach." I say, he nodded. "One thing!" I pointed my finger at him. "DONT. EAT. MY. FOOD!" He quickly nods and I walk off.

When I walk out of the house I see a little girl crying and looks like a lost puppy. From here, I can see she had blonde hair and tan skin. She looked about nine or ten. I can't see her eye because she's crying.

I walk up to her and ask if she's okay.
She said she can't remember except her first name.
"What's your name?" I ask rubbing her back to calm her down.
"My names Thea." She says.

"My name is Freya, let's go back to my place. I'll get you some food." She nods. She holds my hand and we walk back.

When I got back, Shawn was confused. "You go sit on the couch and I'll get you some food, that's Shawn." I say pointing to him. " he will turn the tv to some cartoons." She nods and sits on the couch.

I walk into the kitchen and pull out some leftover taco stuff. I put cheese on the meat then stuck the taco in the microwave. When it was done I gave it to her and she started eating.

Shawn pulled me aside.
"Where did you find her?" He asked.
"The street, she forgot everything except her name. It's Thea by the way." He looks at me like I'm crazy, which I was but still. " Molly is gonna flip out!"
"Well when she gets home we will decide." He nods then goes back to collect her plate.

I go to my room and walk into the closet. I pull out a box and open it. It has all my clothes in it when I was a little girl. I take the box and run downstairs.

"Thea," I say. "I got you some new clothes!" I show her the clothes and she smiles. I can see her eyes more clear now, they are blue. She picks out a dark blue shirt that says TARDIS on it and a black skirt. There was also a few pairs of shoes in the box, she picked out red sneakers. She changed and I helped her with her shoes.
"Thank you!" She says and hugs me, I froze for a second then returned the hug.

She sat back on the couch watching tv. Molly walked in and looked at Thea.
She pointed at her and mouthed the words "who is that?" I waved her off and said I'll tell her in a minute.

"Hey Thea?" I said and she looked at me. "This is Molly, she's my best friend and Shawn is her boyfriend." Thea says hi and so does Molly.
I tell Molly the whole story and she understands and little.

Thea fell asleep on the couch and I turned off the tv. Shawn picked her up. The third bed room we put a bed in there for if Shawn ever came over, but he sleeps with Molly in her room now.

He carried her to the bed and laid her down.  I tucked her in then left the room. It was time to talk to Molly and Shawn.

When I came down we started talking.
"So you just...found her?" Asked Shawn. I nodded then told them we should keep her, Molly protested.
"We can't have a child around!"
"What you and Shawn do...I'm surprised we don't have a child around here already." She got really mad but then calmed down. "Fine! But she gets put in school!" She says.
"Okay, no problem, it's summer though so..."
She sighed and face palmed.
"Summer school?!"

Then we went our own ways. I went into my room and changed to my night time clothes then later down.
I started thinking...
'Only witches or warlocks can make someone get amnesia...why her?' I got up and snuck down stairs. Before I did I checked on Thea. When I was down I walked past the couch and wish I didn't look. Molly and Shawn were at it...again. I shuddered and walked to the basement. When I got there, I looked at an amnesia spell.

The spell was for a master wizard. I read some more and it turns out that the spell can also be preformed by a demon if he/she took a warlocks or witches body. My eyes widened at the thought...Eric maybe...he is different.
At the thought of Eric, my wrist started stinging like it was re burnt.
I ran inside the kitchen and un rapped my wrist...and right there...Molly walked in and saw my wrist.
That was 822 words! Longest chapter I or kiddens_are_life ever wrote! Well anyways I hope you enjoyed!
- rainbow ❤️ 💛 💚 💙 💜

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