Black Magic

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Molly's POV~ Few minutes earlier ~

Im laying down in my bed, head hanging off the edge and my feet on the headboard. I got hungry. I get off the bed, dust off my shirt and walk down stairs. While walking downstairs I remembered the was a basement.
When I walked past the living room and Freya wasn't there. I glanced in the kitchen. Not there either.

I ran back upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door. No answer. I opened the door, and not there. I checked the computer room. No there. I opened her door to her room. Not in there. I looked outside at the garage, her motorcycle was there.

I walked in the kitchen and saw the door to the basement. I opened the door and walked down slowly.

"i incantet ad.....release daemonium spiritus" Freya said she sounded like she forgot  half of it.

I scanned the room. It looked like a place for witches to study.
"You didn't tell me about this?" I said.
She looked down, then back up.
"I'm sorry...really...I didn't want you to see yet." I was mad, so I did what other normal mad people would. I screamed in frustration and stormed off to my room.

Freya's POV~

I felt weird. Not from being yelled at. But since I did the "spell". It should have been a duplication spell.
I looked around the room and I didn't know what I saw. But from the corner of my eye, I saw some sort of black smoke go through the wall.

If you didn't know what the spell was it was supposed to be a duplication spell but Freya worded it wrong and it turned into demonic spell that released a demon.
Hope you enjoyed!

- rainbow ❤️ 💛 💚 💙 💜

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