A few minutes with eric the demon dude

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Eric's POV~

I have the book. The key to my survival, the key to my power. Soon I'll take over the country. Once I cast a certain spell, I will leave this filthy meat suit named Eric and take my true form.

I have to keep Freya from dying...or I'll be destroyed and cast off to oblivion. But my little princess Thea is keeping her safe.

Her friends will have to go though.
"Hello daddy!" Thea said walking in.
"Princess! Wanna hear my plan, you will love it."
She nodded.
"I have the book, I find the spell release demons all over the country and I take my true form. Once I do, I'll kill Freya and her friends! Keep Freya unharmed if she dies while I'm in this meat suit, then I'll die too."
"Yes I will. So if your in your true form and Freya dies, you won't die?"
I nodded."correct"

She said goodnight and left.
I will be ready soon. Very soon.

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