The Basement

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When I got done with the dishes, I decided to learn some more magic.

I grabbed a flashlight from a drawer in the kitchen. I turned around and in the kitchen was a door that lead to the basement. I opened the door and turned on the flashlight. I moved the light around the room walking down the stairs.

I shut the door on the way down. When I got to the bottom and saw the room, I felt happy. My large bookshelf in the corner of the room filled with my magic books, scrolls and candles.

My table with all my research papers and books where still there.

I went to a safe in the corner of the room. I looked at it and tried to remember the code. 12456...56457...09876

I put in the code and the safe popped open. There were symbols all around the safe. Then there was a book in the center of the safe. It was blue with a willow tree symbol. I picked it up and opened it. I remembered what it was...its my black magic book.

I put the book back and shut the safe.
I sat down at the table and read some spell books and did some spells.

Then Molly walked in on me...

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