Dr. McDemon

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D Freya's POV~

"Molly! Are you okay!"
I said running in the room.
"Excuse me but who are you?"
The doctor said.
"I'm Freya her roommate/ best friend. Who are you?"
She looked really nice for a doctor. She had blonde hair and blue eyes.
She wore a blue jeans and a green shirt and brown boots with a doctors coat on.
"I'm dr...." She looks at her name tag.
"Dr. Phalange!"
I furrowed my brows and then tilted my head. "Okay...anyway, what's wrong with Molly?"
She scratched the back of her head.
"Well, uh, let me go get the doctor!"
She then ran out.
"But you are the doc...okay."

I walked up to Molly's bed and sat next to her bed. I took her hand. "Hey molls, you okay?"

"Yeah," she answers "I'm sorry for running off. If I didn't this wouldn't have happened."

"It's okay."
"Where's Shawn?"
"He's in the waiting room. The doctor wouldn't let him in.

Just then the doctor walked in. It was a boy this time, brown hair and brown eyes.
"Hello, I'm dr. Gilmore, I'll be your dr for a today. So Molly here broke her arm basically broke in two from a little above the elbow."
I got up and nodded." So is there going to be a surgery or..."
He hesitated. "Well, you can check her out tonight. We did surgery when she came in and we put on a cast. We're just gonna keep her here for a few hours to make sure she's alright."
I nodded. "Thanks...is there anything we need to know?"
"Yes, keep her arm elevated by like pillows or something comfortable."
"Okay thanks!"
The doctor nodded.
"Can I talk to you and the boy outside please?"
I nodded and we walked out.

"So uh, what's up?" I said casually. I turned my back to him and looked at a picture.

"What's the spell?." He said in a mean way.

"What?" I turned around and gasped. His eyes turned from brown to Crimson red. "The spell, what is it!"

Shawn got up and stood in front of me, "she's not gonna say!" The demon flicked his wrist and Shawn flew across the room. The demon turned back to me. "alright now, we need you to tell the spell. Or, we will kill Molly."
"Even if I tell you, you'll kill her anyways!" I yell. I flipped my wrist and said a freeze spell. He dived it and sent me flying to a wall.

"Freya, it would be easier for you to tell me. Or I could take you and see what Eric wants to do...it would take me to the top..."
Suddenly he gets thrown to the wall and Eric walks up. "Freya, I like you okay, so it would be nice if you would tell me. And no one gets hurt."
I scoffed. "Yea no one except the THE WORLD! I'm not saying. You can't make me to either!" I flick my wrist and do a healing spell a Shawn.

He got up and we ran into Molly's room. We slammed the door I put a pertection spell on the door. Shawn picked up Molly bridal style. "What's going on?" She asked.
"Eric." Shawn answered.

I opened the window and looked down. "Third floor, crap."
Eric then walked in with two demons behind him. "Come on Freya. Tell us."
"NOPE!" I grabbed Shawn and led him to the window the window with Molly still in his arms. "I REGRET NOTHING!" I let go of Shawn and jump out the window.

I fall into a dumpster and I got a banana peel in my mouth. "Blah!" I spit it out.

Shawn then falls on me with Molly.
"Where's Freya!" He yelled and got out. "I'm right here!" I climb out.

"Let's go..." I say limping to my new car that I stole in the way here.

Sorry if I got the doctor stuff wrong...I've not been watching Grey's Anatomy for a while.
Hope you enjoyed!

- rainbow❤️💛💚💙💜

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