The preparing

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Freya's POV~

Me and Caleb walk down to the the basement. Walking downstairs isn't safe. We only salted the top floor because we ran out.

I had my gun in hand and I gave Caleb  a pistol.

"So, down here isn't safe?" He says.

I nod. We walk in the basement to find my books all over the place, my safe tipped over, my scrolls ripped and my potion stuff everywhere.

"No..." I mumble.
I go over to the safe and Caleb wonders.

The basement door slams shut and I'm thrown to the wall. Caleb is stuck to the wall.

Just then Eric walks in.
"Well, found the spell. No help of you"
He walks over to me, then holds out his hand.

I get up not accepting his hand.
"Your not going to win." I bark.

He chuckles "you see Freya, your salt line stuff doesn't work. I knew Thea would betray me. So I switched everything out."

Just then me and the other are in a room. Our hands tied to a pole behind us.

I look at Molly, she knows what I want to do. She shakes her head and mouth the words 'no'.

I smile a sad smile at her.

Eric comes to me and unties me. He takes me to a chair in the room.
He grabs my wrist and cuts it.

My blood drips in the bowl.
I feel like passing out.
I focus on the sound of my blood dripping.





He then wraps my wrist up and throws me to the side of the room.
He starts adding stuff to the bowl.
When he's done he says

"Tonight on the eclipse I will light the stuff and I will be released."

He walks away out of the room.

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