The Weekend

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When I woke up Molly was still asleep.
I grabbed the empty cups of hot chocolate and put them In the sink.
I took a shower and it felt nice to be clean. I brushed my teeth and then put on some black jean shorts, my captain America shield t shirt and straightened my hair, when I do that it makes my silver tips look brighter. I then got my black baseball cap and put it on backwards, slipped on my vans then headed to my motorcycle .

The boy from the store was walking past by house. He look at me and his eyes widened. I put on my helmet and then flip him off the ride away to the gas station for some pie and pre made coffee!

My adoptive mothers friend, crystal, works there and she lets me take what I want. When I arrived I saw the boy.

I pushed open the door and the little bell went off which signaled my arrival.
"Hey Crystal!" I say waving.
She looks up from counting her money and gives me a sweet hello. Just then the boy walked in. I feel a bit nervous, so I start silently singing to myself.

"Nice voice." The boy said. That made me jump. "Uhmm, thanks...." Then I walked off to get the pie and coffee.

I found the pies and got Apple pie, I then got some sour gummy bears for Molly.

I went to the drink isle and got some Starbucks coffee for me and Molly.
When I turned around the boy was there.

"Okay who are you!" I whisper yell.
"Sorry, I'm Eric Boston, and you are.
I thought for a moment, then it clicked.
Eric Boston, Captain of the football team, straight A student, perfect attendance! That's who he was, girls swooned over him and loved him, but not me! Okay maybe a little...BUT NO!

"Hello?" He said waving a hand in front of my face.
"Oh uhm..." I couldn't tell him my real name! "It's Kristin Novak."
"Nice to meet you Novak. I got to go now."
He walks off and I wonder something that I never do.....

When I left I hugged crystal and drove off home. When I arrived Molly was awake. I put the stuff down and gave Molly a coffee.

"Where were you? She asks tiredly.
"Gas station, anyways I'm gonna go drive around."
"Ok" Molly said.

Then I was off

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