Long Night part 4

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I was sitting on the couch next to Lakeisha. There was two seats one on one side of the couch and one on the other. Nash sat by her and Cam sat by me. There was a chair and another couch. Taylor sat in the chair, Jack J, Jack G, and Aaron sat on the other couch. And Carter, Shawn and Matt sat on the floor. Cam had popcorn making for us he got up and went to go get it. Then poured some in 4 bowls. It was scary but when the scary part came on I jumped and Cam grabbed me by my arm so I would be safe. After that movie we asked Shawn Wat should we sing cause u see he is a singer he said life of the party. We sang to. All of us even if some of us couldn't sing. After that we just all like feel asleep while we were on our phones and eat hing TV. Cam woke up in the middle of the night and was on his phone. He got up to go to the bathroom and I got woke. I was on my phone and when he came out he sat down next to me
Cam: What u doing up
Me: Nothing.... I got woke up cause my notifications went off.
Cam: o but come here
Me: Where
Cam: just come on
Me: OK
Cam: Here's my number just in case.
Me: OK cool

We walked into the hallway and he stopped grabbed my hands push me against the wall and kissed me. We stopped.
Me: what was that for
Cam: no reason
Me: OK
We walked back to the. Couch and layed down I feel asleep on him. The next day we all got up and everyone got in showers, brushed our teeth, changed and we just watched TV and played until 3:00 pm. Cam took me outside to the backyard and said
Cam: I like u I really do. And I hope that I could see u more
Me: *Chuckle* r u asking me out on a date?
Cam: Yea I am trying
Me: haha yea that sounds cool
Cam: Great, so Saturday
Me: it's Thursday, so OK cool *gives him a kiss*

I walked into the house grabbed my bag and went outside then jumped in the car.

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