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*Hayley's pov*

I sat the thinking till the door bell rang. Oh I think I just sharted. I stood up and made sure I didn't then checked my face in the small mirror by the door.

I opened the door and saw the guys.

" Hey guys." I said walking away.

" Hey." Echoed around the room.

" Hey babe." Hayes said. I smiled and waved. He came over to me and kissed me. I felt so bad but still kissed him back. I pulled away.

" Hey guys. How about I make Lasagna for dinner." I said. In the corner of my eyes I could see Hayes's smile went down a bit.

" Yes, yay, yasss." Answers came from around the room. I quickly walked into the kitchen and started cooking.

When I got done cooking. I took out the lasagna and put out plates.

" Boys the food is done!" The ground started to shake she the sound of stampeding elephants rummaged through the house. After I stopped wobbling.

" Guys dang." I said leaning on the counter.

" Sorry, My bad, Love you." All those words shot at me from around the room. I giggled and made my plate then let the guys dig in. I'm glad I made 2 big pans and then got mine first cause.... They smashed.

When we were sitting down my leg was shaking. I could see Shawn was a but unsteady too.

" Hayley?" Can said. I looked up at him.

" Hmm?" I said.

" You OK?" he asked. I nodded.

" You sure. You seem a little.... Unsteady." he told me.

" No.. No I'm fine." I said taking a bite of my lasagna.

" So what did y'all do when we were gone? " Nash asked. As if he knew.

" Nothing!" Me and Shawn exclaimed at the same time. Everyone gave us a weird look.

" Um... She helped me a bit with a song and... Yeah." Shawn said. I nodded and everyone looked at each other while I look at Shawn.

I took my last bite of lasagna. By now everyone was already done. I started washing the dishes and felt arms snake around my waist. I jumped a bit then saw Hayes.

" Hey. Why have you been so tense and jumpy?" He asked.
" I watched a scary movie and I'm just a bit... Yah know scared." I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek softly.

" Well. I got you now." He said. I feel really safe around Hayes. He just makes me feel safe and sound. I smiled.

" Your so cute." He said. I giggled then he peppered kisses on my face and neck. I squealed turning around facing him. He put his hands above the back of my knees and I cup his face and kiss him. Through the kiss I smiled and so did he. I tried to pull away laughing, but he leaned in more peppering more kisses on my lips, neck, and face. I laughed and put my arms around his neck and let him kiss me.

" Um... Eh em." We heard. We pulled away and looked over to see all the guys. We pulled away and I blushed. From the back I could see Shawn look down and play with his hands.

" Um can you guys get a room or something." Matt said. I laughed a bit.

" Shut up Matt. Your just mad you don't have anyone to do this with." I told him.

" Well.... " I gasped.

" Does Matty have a girlfriend?" I asked. He blushed. " What's her name, what does she look like, how old is she, where is she from-" he cut me off.

" Dang Hayley slow down. You'll see her tomorrow." I giggled.

" Y'all can leave now." I said. They all rolled their eyes and left. Shawn glanced at me then looked away going upstairs.

Hey guys sorry for not updating. Things have been happening. And I haven't been emotionally stable. But I think I'm OK. But anyways expect 2 updates tomorrow. 1 for this book and 1 for Affection. If you haven't read that go read it girl.... Or boy. But anyways hope you liked this one.

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