Two 'mishaps' in one day part. 2

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*Hayley's pov*

After a while we watch movies and it was like 10:00 pm. I texted Cameron asking if he could take me home. He looked at me after he got it and nodded.

We got up and everyone was asleep so we tip toed out. Can drove me to my house and before I got out he stopped me.

" Thank you for forgiving me. If u hadn't than I wouldn't be here I would be shutting people out and ignoring everyone. And Sierra hates when I do that." he says and we laugh. He looks at me and I smile. He leans in and I do to. He kissed me and I kissed back I reach my hand over and ruffle my hands in his hair. He puts one hand on my right cheek.

We stop to breath and I get out. When I walk in I see a worried mom and dad.

" Oh my goodness Hayley where have you been?" my mom asked.

I got a piece of paper and wrote down:
Me and Cam were at the park and when we were there I tripped and stick cut my head and I have stitches and Cameron took me to his house so that he could help me try to talk again because I have gone mute from fear.

When I was done I gave it to them they read it ND my mom hugged me.

" It's OK." my mom said. Then my dad joined.

After the hug I went upstairs and watched Netflix. I put on Teen Beach Movie. Hey don't judge me Ross Lynch is pretty cute. After a few minuets a heart the door bell ring. I check the time and it's 12:16 am I look outside and it's raining.

I go downstairs and open the from door. I see a teenager with a socking wet black hoodie and his hood is tightly closed over hit face a little. My dumb self pulled him in. He takes his hood off and I see who I have missed for 3 years. Hunter.

" Hayley OMG Ive missed you." he says hugging me. He is still wet but idc I've missed him. I smile as I hug him back he let go and looked confused.

" How have you been?" he says. I shrug.

" How come your not speaking?" he asked. I killed down. I grabbed the piece of paper I wrote on for my mom and dad and gave it to him. He read it with sorrow.

" I know a stick didn't do that." he said. I looked down and wrote what really happened on the paper. He hugged me tightly still wet. I motion him to come upstairs to get some of my brothers old clothes. He is 26 and lives with his wife Mara. I told him to go in my bathroom and change.

When he came out he sat on my edge of my bed.

" I'm sorry." he said. Then I gave him the why are You sorry'. He knew what I was trying to say.

" Im sorry I left. We were the best of friends. The reason I left was because of Cameron and Carter. Last 3 years ago in the summer time they said they really liked you and if I ever went out or took you away from them then they would hurt me. So I asked my mom if we could move because I knew I would keep having feelings for you. You don't have to believe me but it's true." he said. I looked down with tears swelling. How could Carter do this and Cameron. OMG. I didn't know Carter liked me that way anyways.

Tears slip out of my eyes. He quickly wiped them away.

" No no no don't cry." he said. I got angry and put my head in my hands. I can't believe I liked him, trusted him. Let alone gave him another chance. After I was finished thinking I and just lay down and go to sleep. He got up and lasted on the couch that was close to the bed.


So hey and if u didn't get the titles its the first mishap was when she got hurt and the second is trusting Cam. Lol

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