Help Pt.2

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*Hayes' pov*
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It's been a week since I've seen Hayley. Where could she be. All of us have been worried. The guys, Lakiesha, Kyla, Jamie and her parents.

I was in her room when I got an idea. I ran across the street to Hunters house. I knocked on it and his mom answered.

" Hi, Um have you seen Hunter?" I asked. She shook her head.

" I haven't seen him in a week he is probably at a friends house or hanging at that old abandoned house down the road." She said. The abandoned house. I said thank you and ran to Cam's house.

His mom was freaking out about where he was. I told her I would find him and ran to the abandoned house.

*Hayley's pov*

I got myself off the couch and crawled over down by Cam. His hand and stomach was covered in blood.

" Cameron stay awake." I said. He nodded slowly as his eyes were weak. I found the knife a cute the take off my hands. Then untied the rag. My lower area still hurts so I grabbed Cam and pulled him over behind a chair. He could barley move. The house was burning slowly more and more. Smoke filled the air.

I let out multiple coughs. I pulled him slowly more and more. As I was pulling myself a a path of the couch that was on fire fell to my arm. I screamed in pain as it burned a gash on my arm. Tears fled my eyes. I looked towards Cam and sat myself up.

My vision got blurring and I felt as if I fell asleep...

" Hayley!" I heard. The voice went in and out.

" Hayley, Cam!" I heard again.

" Help." I managed to whisper out. I coughed hard. The house was almost fully on fire. I grabbed Cameron's arm and pulled him. His head moved around and he coughed still holding his side.

" Help!" I yelled. I pulled Cameron to the window. The window bursted open.

" Hayley." I heard multiple voices.

" Cam!" I heard. Then I went unconscious again.

" Grab her." I heard then went back to "sleep".

" Get Cam." I heard again. I was being carried. I coughed. It's felt as if dirty air went through me. I saw someone running away and it was hunter

" Stop him." I managed to say before I coughed more.

" Taylor get him." I heard Hayes' sweet voice. I saw Taylor run and grab Hunter.

"Come on Hayley stay awake." He said moving my head around. Then my vision went out.

" It's gonna be alright you two. Get them on a stretcher." Someone said. I slowly opened my eyes and saw People lifting Me and Cam up onto stretchers. They put breathing masks on us. I coughed a little.

They rushed me and Cam to the hospital. Hayes got in the back of the ambulance with me.

" Hayley stay awake." He said. I managed to move the arm that wasn't hurt to his. I grabbed his hand and he held onto it tightly. He kissed my hand and I felt something went drop on it.
I coughed again then went unconscious.

*Cam's pov*

I sat in the hospital bed with a wrap around my side and stitches. Hayley has been in a coma for 2 days so far. This is all my fault I shouldn't have agreed with Hunter about doing this. Speaking of Hunter.


He went to jail for rape, close murder and vandalism.
" She still isn't awake?" I asked Nash. He shook his head.

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