The Cat is Out of the Bag

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Chapter 14

A/N: I am really really sorry for not uploading this earlier. Having a problem with the internet lately. Thanks for waiting.



3rd Person's POV

               It has been 5 months since the start of the bands world tour. They have been to some parts of Europe, America and they are currently touring in Australia. Lexie's relationship with Zayn keeps getting better and better. They'd spent most of their time hanging out and get to know with each other after every concert.

               But little did Zayn know that Lexie is also hanging out and a bit closer to one of the boys. Using his charms to get the girl he likes, things were looking up on him. Seeing Lexie smile when she spends time with him was like heaven. Still recalling there conversation three weeks ago


               Admiring the sunset in front of you and remembering for the past few years that it was only just a dream but here he is in New York City and still not syncing that he is a living the dream. Then suddenly a person was beside him also admiring the view, finally the person spoke and said, 'Hey there! Penny for your thoughts?'. He was shocked and so in depth that he did not notice that Lexie was beside him. He quickly recovered and said to her, 'Just remembering a few years ago that this was just a dream but here I am living the dream with the boys and of course with you.' Lexie chuckled and looked into his eyes and said, 'Ahh. That is true. But to tell you honestly, performing in front of so many people was not part of my dream. My dream is to become a fashion icon, were people wear the clothes that I made. Seeing people wearing the clothes that I made makes me feel that I am living my expectation, that the I am making a statement.' then Lexie turned to look at the view again.

               He was not really expecting Lexie to say those words to him. He then realized that singing for her was just a hobby that fashion was her life, her passion. He then said to her, 'Then why did you accept Uncle Si when he said you are going to be the bands opening act? I mean, you really have the talent and the fans love you already. Have you seen twitter for the past 2 months? You have been trending at least 2 to 3 times a week. Plus you already have a million followers on twitter. You are now a celebrity, not boosting your ego here.' Then she laughed out loud and that reaction was not the reaction he was expecting. She then said, 'But I do not want the people to know me as a singer with the headline 'Singing Sensation Lexie!' or 'Simon Cowell did it again! The No. 1 artist Lexie Cowell' . I want them to wear the clothes that made me inspire. With the clothes I made, people can tell how I am dedicated with fashion. On how little things matter, like the patterns, the theme, the style. Plus, it reminds me of a person why I love fashion with so much passion. Ahh. I will show you some of my drawings and you will know what I mean.' Now that he did not really expect. He then realized that that special person was really important to her but cannot decide if she wants to tell it to him or not. 'I am holding you on to that' he quickly said to her for he want her to trust him fully. Lexie was in shock. No one had never seen her drawings but she told him that she will show it to him. 

               Things were looking up for Lexie. Revealing to someone her inner most thoughts was like pouring her deepest most secret that even her Dad, Nana and her two bestfriends - Jess and Princess ever knew. Looking up, seeing all the stars twinkling showing how proud they are at her is a sign that she should open up more. She thanked him mentally and knew deep down that she trust him fully now. But there was a bit of guilt that she did not open up more to one more person that has been bugging her from the moment she laid her eyes on him. 

               He got a text from the boys that they are going to eat outside. So they both went down and headed to the lobby for all of them were waiting for them and they all went to the restaurant that Paul, their manager/bodyguard then told them was the best.

~End of Flashback~

                 Jess and Princess had this gut feeling that Zayn is not the only one who is currently falling in love with Lexie. Both of them saw their target living his romm but with a swift of their feet they suddenly cornered him and asked him, 'Do you like Lexie?' he was shocked. He did not realized that Lexie's friends will asked him directly. Then Jess asked again, 'Are you?' he was silent for a few minutes, then Princess add, 'We are waiting for an answer.' Jess then said, 'Oh come on! Such a simple question is only needed for a simple answer. Is it a yes or a no? We really do not have the whole day you know.' then Princess said to her and put her hand on her shoulder to calm her down, 'Jess, relax.' then she spoke to him, 'Please tell us. We will not tell Lexie or anybody else. We solemnly swear that we will not tell no one any of our conversation.' Jess agree with her. He can really trust them since they also became close but not as close as Lexie. Then he finally said, 'Yes. Yes, I do like her. A lot.' Both girls gave him a knowing look but he cut them off when they about to say something 'I am trying to suppress my feelings for her cause I know one of my mates, specifically Zayn likes her also. A lot. And I do not want to ruin my friendship with Lexie and Zayn.'

               Both girls gave him an are-you-serious look, then Jess said, 'But you like Lexie. Why won't you fight your feeliings for her? I mean, obviously Lexie is single and Zayn is not making his move.' but mentally added yet. Princess then quickly added, 'Plus you are single.' he then cannot believe that they knew that he is single and gave them how-did-you-know look. Both girls then nod saying that they should tell him when did they knew and Princess said to him, 'We knew that you are single since the beginning of the tour. You were really easy to read at that time. The signs of being heartbroken was on you. Obviously some of the boys did not know what you are going through except for one - your bestfriend.' then he nodded for he understand and he was glad that his bestfriend did not tell them that he was devastated at that time.

                 He then said, 'You see. My ex-girlfriend at that time was getting a lot of hate message from the fans. Plus with the touring she cannot handle a long distance relationship. Of course I told her at that time that things are going to be alright but while the boys and I were having our tour. I learned that he was seeing somebody and you know what happens next right?' the girls both nodded. Of course the media was on fire at that time but did not get too much information that they wanted on why they broke up. It was really clear that the girl cheated on him but he took all the blame for he was still concerned for the girl for she will be harassed by the media and fans.

               The girls then said goodbye to him and reassured him that they are going to keep his feelings a secret but then added that he should fight for his feelings for Lexie for he also deserves to be happy. He then slowly sit down at the rear end of his bed and put his hands on his face. He finally admits that he is falling in love with Lexie. One thing is clear on his mind, the cat is out of the bag. At least only 3 people know his true feelings - his bestfriend and now Jess and Princess. The only thing that is bugging him now if he should fight or not fight his feelings for Lexie? Why does love have to be so compicated? Why does it have to be Lexie? 


A/N : There you go people! Another chapter. Sorry for the wrong grammars. Also, sorry for the late upload. The internet is finallyu working! WOOOT!

 Anyways. Fan. Comment. Vote!


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