A Heart To Heart Talk With The Girls

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Chapter 7

Lexie’s POV

                I drove really fast to my house. I don’t want anybody to see me like this – a mess. It’s been years, why can’t I move on already? Am I really such a softy for a guy like him? Well, he is. WAS my best friend, the one person I trust with my whole life – of course Jess and Princess are my best friends too and I know for a fact that they’ll always have my back. But he was THAT guy or what Jess and Princess call him MR. PERFECT.  I ran to get to my room, not seeing Nana or Antonio. I know they’ll ask what’s happening.

                I went to get my guitar, apparently cooped inside my walk in closet and sat on my bed tuning the guitar. I clearly haven’t played for a while, and then someone knocked on my door, ‘Go away.’ I said. ‘Lexie, what’s wrong? Are you okay?’ Nana said. I sighed; I clearly can’t hide anything from her. ‘Nana, could you call Jess and Princess for me?’ I said to her then she said, ‘Sure love. I’ll just tell them to go to your room immediately. Okay dear?’ ‘Thanks Nana. You do know I love you, right?’ then she laughed, ‘Every single day love.’ She said.

                Less than 15 minutes later, 2 lovely ladies burst my door and both of them said, ‘Okay, what’s wrong?’ then Jess continued ‘Who hurt you?’ then Princess said ‘When I see that person, I’ll tore that person limb from limb’ then I laughed. Oh how I love these girls, always know how to make me laugh. ‘Girls, it’s just that. Well you know it’s my first day today and I finally got to meet the band Uncle Simon’s been talking about for the past 2 weeks, right?’ both nodded and curious on what this is all about and I continued, ‘The band is THE One Direction.’ Both girls screamed so loud that my ear drums are bleeding. ‘GIRLS!’ I shout at them and both stopped screaming. Both of them are DIRECTIONERS, how did I forget that detail. Hmm, maybe I was freaking and stressing out about this since it’s my first day. Then I continued, ‘Are you still going to listen to what happened or are you going to scream and bleed my ear drums until I am deaf?’ and Jess said, ‘So sorry, we’re just so dedicated to them. You know that, right? As Princess agreed with a nod and I said, ‘Yes, of course. That’s why I told you who the band is. Anyways, so Uncle said that I’ll be there stylists and before he went out of his office. He said to me that I’ll also be there opening act on their tour!’ then they both cut what I was about say to them, ‘CONGRATULATIONS LEXIE!’ then Princess said, ‘How does your Uncle know that you could sing? I never see him here when we visit you.’ and Jess agree with a nod. ‘I don’t even know how. I mean, I never sang in front of anybody except you guys and Nana. Off with the topic again.’ Both looked at me with a continue look, ‘So when Uncle Si left me with the boys to get to know with each other. They all said to sing for them. Then Zayn,’ I quickly remembered him giving me a million dollar smile, and I didn’t even know I was blushing. ‘Hold up! Why are you blushing? Is it because of Zayn Malik, The Bradford Bad Boy?’ Jess asked. ‘Uhm, well.’ Then Princess chimed, ‘Spit it out, woman! We are not getting younger!’ ‘Okay okay. I fancy him.’ They both gave me an “aww” look. Then I continued, ‘Anyways, so Zayn let me borrowed the guitar he was holding and played the song 12:51 and’ I was already crying in front of them. ‘Shh. Shh. We know, we know. I just wish I could take away the pain that he has given you. It’s been years Lexie.’ Jess said. ‘Just think about it this way, you became a stronger person. Just thank him for making you an incredible person that you are now.’ Princess added. ‘You guys are the best! That’s why both of you are my best friends!’ I said to them with a smile. I gave them both a hug and a kiss on a cheek – a sign of thank you to both of them. Hell, they both know they’re like my sisters.

                Then the receiver beeped and Antonio was on the other line saying, ‘Good evening Madame, dinner is served.’ Then I said, ‘Thank you Antonio! By the way, Jess and Princess are eating here. Is that okay?’ then he immediately said, ‘Of course my lady, the more the merrier.’ Then I replied, ‘We’re on our way. Thank you Antonio!’ then I said to the girls, ‘Let’s go?’ and both nodded and we went down to have dinner. 


Another finished chapter! Hoped you liked it. I'm on the roll today! HAHA. Sorry for the wrong grammars! :)

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