Relax. Breathe. Pain. Numb

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Chapter 20

Lexie’s POV

            The flight was long and boring though we are seated at the first class. I do not even know how Jess managed to get three first class tickets that fast. Plus, instead of talking thru the whole flight we were deep in thought on why I am coming back to London as well as Jess and Princess. Why would Uncle Si pull us out in the middle of a tour, they know there would be a possible chance that paparazzi’s or fans start rumors with the help of social networking sites. Speaking of it, I have not checked twitter so I logged in and saw that there are two topics that stand out



Clicking the first topic, my dad’s name pops up and as well as mine even the boy’s name. This made me more confuse. Why would they trend that? What is happening? I then clicked the second topic, and unfortunately there are no pictures. Well, that’s weird. I then saw the tweets …

            I feel sorry #StayStrong please people #PrayHard …

another tweet said …

       Fate is so cruel @zaynmalik @Louis_Tomlinson @Harry_Styles @NiallOfficial @Real_Liam_Payne @real_lexie_selena #StayStrong #PrayHard ... Now that bothered me, why would they tweet that? … I then began to speculate and remember the way Zayn looked at me, his eyes telling me something so important and how Uncle Si called me, wanting me to go back to London.

            There were still no pictures but seeing as the fans would tweet something about this to all of us, I then began to panic. Before I dialed Uncle Si’s number the flight attendant said, ‘I am very sorry miss but you cannot use your phone right now. We are about to land and you might disrupt the frequency.’ I do not want to cause any trouble so I complied with her request and just wait for a few minutes until I can use my phone and call Uncle. 

              It feels like years before the plane lands and different scenarios playing in my mind. Relax Lexie, everything is fine. Maybe the fans are just saying to be safe and pray hard for the person(s) who got injured. Just calm down and take off your mind about it. Everything is perfect. Your friends and family are safe and nothing’s wrong. The plane finally landed and we – Jess, Princess and I got our bags and went to find our luggage. I then saw Antonio waving at us and as we come closer to his side, I noticed that there are bags under his eyes. Why is he not sleeping well? ‘Antonio, are you okay? You look tired.’ he gave me a weak smile, ‘We should get going. Your Uncle is expecting you.’ ‘How come Nana did not come and fetch me?’ he hesitates and contemplates the words he was going to say, ‘Nana cannot come right now. She is quite busy and doing some errands for your Uncle.’ ‘Oh.’ was all I could say. I then glanced at the girls and shrugged since they also do not know what to say.

            We then climbed inside the car while Antonio put our luggages in the trunk. He then seated at the front and told the driver where to go. I did not dare him any more questions for I fear that he may just lie to me or worst, say the truth. I noticed that the road we took is not going to the house and Uncle Si’s office and Jess and Cess gave me a questioning look and just shrugged it off. After a thirty minute of silence, we finally arrived at our destination and Antonio said, ‘You all should go ahead. I will just drop off the luggages.’ He then suddenly hugged me and whispered, ‘Stay strong doll.’ He let me go and I gave him a questioning look but he did not say anything.

          We then headed to the door and startled by a lot of people sitting and the wave of sadness filled the air. Jess and Cess became nervous and both shifted their stance, clearly uncomfortable what is happening and about to happen. Uncle Si then came up to me and took my hand not saying where we are going and did not look back. Jess and Cess just stood there and gave me an encouraging smile. We finally reached our destination and Uncle Si gestured for me to sit and I complied, ‘Dear, I do not even know how to say this. Clearly, I did not even expect this –‘ he then breath and before he continued, ‘What is going on? Why am I here? Who are all of those people?’ I started to shoot the questions. He then sat down beside me and took both of my hands and said, ‘Alexandra, I am very sorry. Your Dad is in a better place.’ I began to process the words he said to me and decipher its meaning. Dad. Better place. Dad. Gone. Uncle Si. Dad. Better place. Uncle Si then hugged me, telling me that everything is going to be okay and that he is at a better place with my mom. My tears kept on flowing like a faucet that cannot be fixed. Uncle Si then wiped the tears and just hugged me. After ten minutes, ‘Alexandra darling, we should go out now. There are people waiting for us and give some respect. Be strong and I know your father, my brother will want you to move on from this and he wants you to be happy.’ I nod and gave him a weak smile, ‘I know. I just did not expect this.’ ‘I know, just so you know I – we are all here for you.’ I wanted to tell him I know but I chose to stay silent and let numbness overpower me.

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