A Cake Full of Emotion

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Chapter 11

A/N: I am so very sorry for not uploading this chapter sooner. I have been busy with school work. Anyways, here is the next chapter!



Jess’ POV

                We were already on board and I am sitting beside Niall. I am really excited right now. I have been too many places before but I have not been to Madrid because mom and dad are too busy with work. My family may seem perfect but to me, we are not. The last time we actually spent time together as a family was when I was in my senior year in high school and my older brother, Jake’s senior year in college. We were in Paris at that time, and Jake met her fiancé, Mel there. Oh yes, the city of love. Well you see, Jake proposed to Mel and I was the one who planned it. Jake calls me perfectionist, I do not even know why. I am just so grateful to Lexie right now. This is a once in a lifetime chance. Plus, I think I fancy Niall. Okay, I just do not think but I really fancy him. But I do not think he feels the same way. I love the way he laughs. It brightens up a person’s day when you are in a bad mood. He is such a sweet guy and I really admire how loyal he is to his band mates. I was really scared when Jake called me last Thursday night. He never called me if it was not that important.


                I really was a softie when it comes to my friends. I just cannot help it. You know the saying; A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed. I quickly left Lexie’s house a.k.a HUGE MANSION and went to my house which is like 3 blocks away from Lexie’s. So, you are probably wondering who Jake is. Jake is my older brother by 4 years, who is currently working part – time as a model. You see, Jake is a doctor and he specializes in Cancer and Skin. I know what you are thinking SUCH a H-O-T-I-E! Beauty and Brains! Well, do not get your hopes up. He is already engage with Mel and I really like her. She is not like Jake’s past relationships who try to ruin my sibling relationship with Jake. She is also a doctor and she specializes in Plastic Surgery. Such a PERFECT COUPLE! Anyways, you are now wondering why I am going home right now. Well, you see Jake needed my help. I did not ask why or what since Jake is a reasonable person. I am already inside the house and quickly went to Jake and Mel’s room. Hmm. Something is not right here, where is mom and dad? Meh. Maybe they are at work. Then I knocked on their door and I said, ‘Hey Jake, Mel! Can I come in?’ and he opened the door but no Mel in sight. I went inside the room and dashed quickly on the couch and I said, ‘So, why did you call me?’ and he said, ‘Uhm. You see, it is kinda hard to explain on the phone why I needed your help and I do not even know how to start.’ and I nodded to him that I understand and he continued saying, ‘Mel and I are..’ and I quickly interrupted and said, ‘Are you two on a break?! What did you do?! Where is she? You should be planning right now how to get her back! Should I book you a restaurant, so that you can work things out? ’ but he quickly interrupted me and said, ‘Jess, relax. We did not break up. I just wanted to tell you that I and Mel are going on a vacation at Greece and we decided that you should come with us. Since mom and dad are not always here taking care of you.’ I cringed at that thought, I should not remind on the memories when mom and dad left me. He is such a great brother. Oh gosh. I forgot to tell him about the tour. Since I have been sleeping over at Lexie’s, I forgot that Jake and Mel are the ones who are taking care of me. I said, ‘I forgot to tell you Jake..’ while fiddling with the hem of my dress and I continued saying, ’I am going on a tour with Lexie and Princess with a band named One Direction.’ There was a moment of silence. I cannot even look straight to him. Gosh, the silence is definitely killing me. I should have told him or better yet called him. Then he said, ‘Have you told about this to mom and dad?’ and I shook my head and he said, ‘Good. I do not think they will approve of this or maybe they would not even be bothered.’ and I just nod at him. Then he spoke again, ‘Since you are going on a tour, I hope you will take care of yourself. Do you hear me? I want you to be safe.’ and I said to him, ‘Jake, of course I will take care of myself. I promise you that. Plus, Lexie and Princess is with me all the time and they think of me as their sister. Of course, not by blood but you know what I mean.’ Then we both hugged each other. Yes, this is one of our moments and yes, we are that close. Then he said, ‘I will let Grace packed all your stuff. So go and have fun, okay?’ and I said. ‘Okay Jake. See you later? Bye!’ I quickly head off to Lexie’s flat. On my way to Lexie’s flat, I cannot help but remember the times mom and dad left me for their work and leaving me behind without any note. Okay, stop reminiscing the past Jess?! It is not worth it, but at the end I felt alone. The scars never left me.

*Lexie’s Flat*

                I did not saw Lexie or Princess in the living room so I decided to go straight to the kitchen. I remember last night that Nana left a two different flavors of cake – mocha and chocolate, inside the fridge. Oh yum! I just wish none of them, and I mean the boys, found it yet and I know Lexie and Princess would not dare touch the cakes because there will be chaos. There was a time I gave Princess a cold shoulder for the whole week because she ate the last slice of cake. Plus, I was having my down moments on that day. You see, I love my FOOD. It is the only thing that keeps me happy besides Lexie, Princess, Jake and Mel. I was finally inside the kitchen when I saw that the container of the cakes is clean. I was speechless and I am seriously mad. I clenched my hands into fists and said, ‘Did you eat my cake?’ Then suddenly the person turned to face me and looked startled and then looked down obviously ashamed. I did not even take the time to know who the person was. I was really sad and furious.  Suddenly someone said behind me, ‘Hey guys! What is up?’ I did not even respond to the persons question then the person spoke again with a frantic look that I resembled was Lexie, ‘Niall, did you eat the cake?’ then Niall said looking guilty, ‘Yes. I was hungry and there was cake and I ate it.’ then I spoke to no one in particular, ‘I just go to the library.’ then quickly went to the second floor.

                It has been 40 minutes and I am finally cooled down. Reading happily my favorite book, Tuesdays with Morrie, I will never get tired of reading this book. Mitchell Albom is such an amazing writer along with Nicholas Spark. I did not even notice that someone put two slices of cake, mocha and chocolate on the table with a note. I was shocked by this since the person did not even talk to me. I took the note and read it, “A mocha and chocolate cake for you. I am really sorry about eating your cake. Hope you forgive me, love. Niall xx” Aww. He is such a sweet guy. I cannot even give him the cold shoulder because I really fancy him. I searched for him and when I saw him in the kitchen I hugged him and say, ‘Thanks Nialler! Oh, by the way. Thank you!’ then I kissed him on the cheeks. He then blushed like a tomato and said stuttering, ‘Y-y-you are very w-w-welcome Jess.’


                ‘Hey Nialler, what time are we arriving at Madrid?’ then he said, ‘It is currently 9am will be arriving there about lunch time. Are you excited, love?’ and I said, ‘Yes! I have never been to Madrid before. The last time I was out of the country was when I was in my last year in high school.’ then he said, ‘You should take some rest. I know you did not sleep at all last night.’ without protesting I snuggled beside him and whispered to him, ‘Okay Nialler. Wake me up when we are almost there.’ then he said, ‘Sure babe. Sweetest dreams.’ then I quickly having a dreamless peaceful sleep.


A/N: So what did you think about the chapter? Remeber to comment, vote and fan! 


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