The Call

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Chapter 19

A/N: Here's a brand new chapter. Hope you like it. VOTE. FAN COMMENT! :)

Lexie’s POV

Three months had passed and my relationship with Louis is just amazing. We have not told the public yet but sooner or later we will. Our friends are happy about our relationship, well except for Zayn. Since the day we told them about our relationship, he’s been very distant around me and Louis plus giving Louis a cold shoulder. Every time the gang hangs out we could all sense the tension between the two - Louis and Zayn. Days passed and Uncle Si gave me a call.

(Phone Call Conversation)

U: Hey Alexandra, how are you?

M: I am good Uncle. What is up?

We have not talked in a long time but when he calls it means important and should be taken seriously.

U: Have you heard anything from your dad lately?

Now, when I think about it the last time he wrote and sent me a letter was two months ago and we were at Tokyo, Japan at that time having our concert.

M: No, I have not yet received a letter from him for two months but i know writing letters takes time. I mean, we go to different countries at least every three weeks so it must mean that the letter he sent got lost.

For about two minutes, Uncle Si did not say anything. Making me feel uncomfortable and thinking if my dad is alright. But I am sure of it.

U: I see. Dear, I would like you to go back here in London and also bring one of your friends or both with you.

M: Is everything okay? Am I in trouble? You know the tabloids are just making up some ridiculous rumors. Is there something wrong?

U: I will be waiting for you. Be safe doll.

(End Phone Call Conversation)

I then run towards Princess and Jess and tugged them towards a room where we can talk privately. I ignored the curious looks from the guys and just tugged them a bit harshly. When we finally arrived at the game room, I quickly apologized and told them about the conversation of Uncle and I. Both agreed to come back home with me and Jess called to get three tickets to London. The hard thing was to tell the news to the guys. i then told them to gather the guys at the living room and let me break the news to them. Both agreed and left the room and fetched the boys. 

After a few minutes, I was already at the living room and said, ‘Hey guys. So I called this meeting because I - we have to leave -’ but I was cut off by Liam and said, ‘Why? The tour is not yet over and without the you girls we do not have any stylist and front act singer.’ I then said, ‘Uncle Si made arrangements already and Ed will be your front act and a close friend of my dad will take charge of being your stylists. Her name is Lou.’ Harry then asked, ‘When are all of you will be back?’ he then glanced first at Princess for a minute then at Jess and lastly at me and I said, ‘We are not really sure. But I am sure we will be back before you know it.’ I then hugged them one by one, first Liam and told me to call and be safe. Second, Niall and told me to take care and call him. Third, Harry and he  gave a big hug and said return as soon as possible. Then, I turned to Louis and he told me to call everyday and be back in his arms. I finally turned to look for Zayn but he was no where in sight so I went to my room and packed my things.

I was too busy packing that I did not notice that someone was there. I was reaching for the remaining clothes at the upper most corner of my closet that I seemed to never reach with my height. Someone suddenly lift me from behind and because of that I squealed that both of us then fell on floor. ‘Shit. Why did you do that?’ I was angry towards that person. I could have died right then and there and glared at that person but quickly turned to confusion and said, ‘Zayn? What are you doing here?’ he then said, ‘I have been knocking on your door for the past three minutes and it seems like you did not heard me so I just went in.’ he then stood up pulling me with him and continued saying, ‘Then I saw you having a hard time reaching some of your clothes so I helped you out but instead ...’ he then trailed off. I suddenly realized that Zayn’s arms are still on my waist. I tried hard not to blush and hid my face with my hair and quickly resumed to my baggage and said, ‘So why did you come here?’ he then started to get nervous and just stood there not looking at me in the eyes.

I tilted my head to the right and gave him a curious look and said, ‘What is it Zayn?’ I suddenly became concerned and patted my bed for him to sit. He hesitated but gave in and sat next to me and said, ‘Why are you suddenly going back to London?’ he was curious but something in his eyes is telling me that he knows but will not tell. I shrugged, ‘Uncle Si did not give me much information but I can sense that there is something wrong. One, tabloids kept on bringing up rumors. Two, he said something about my dad -’ I then saw something in Zayn’s eyes but quickly vanished and I shrugged it off and continued saying, ‘Three, something to do with my relationship with Louis. Maybe he does not want me to date him or something.’ anger flashed in his eyes his knuckles turned white. What is with him and Louis? I then asked, ‘Are we okay? I mean , you have been distant and cold for the past moths and the tension between you and Louis is getting deeper. Are you two okay? Did I do something wrong? Did Louis do something wrong?’ with thos words he then snapped and quickly stood up pacing back and forth in front of me saying, ‘Of course there is something wrong. Are you that blind to see? For fucking sakes Lexie! Open your god damn eyes!’ he then punched the wall and then look at me seeing how I became tense and said, ‘Lexie, I am so sorry. I do not know what came over me. I - I am just ... I am just tired and cranky and the fact the you will be leaving. I am sorry.’ I know he was lying to me but I did not want to push him to tell me and I said, ‘Just so you know, I am always. I  mean always here for you. Okay?’ I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. He looked stunned at first but quickly recovered and mumbled a goodbye and went out of my room. 

The following day, the girls and I then said goodbyes to the guys and told them that we are fine on our own and told them to behave and stay safe. I looked at Louis and said, ‘Promise me something.’ he then said, ‘Anything.’ I looked at him in his eyes and said, ‘Call me everyday and behave okay?’ he then gave me a cheeky grin and said, ‘Am I not always?’ he then gave me a big hug and a quick but sweet kiss on the lips. I then walked towards Zayn, ‘Just remember what I told you, okay?’ he then nodded and said, ‘Call me if you need me. I am here for you.’ the words he said seemed off like he was telling me indirectly what will happen and gave him a puzzled look. He just give me a reassuring smile and walked inside the flat.

Once the girls then said their goodbyes to the guys we then headed off to the airport. The good thing is that there are no paparazzi or fans around. We all waited for our flight to be called and just hang and talked on why Uncle wanted me home. The possibilities are endless but one thing I hope for that everything is okay.

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