This Is It (Part 1)

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Chapter 18

A/N: What do you think? COMMENT. FAN. VOTE!


Lexie’s POV

                Louis and I are closer than ever. But something tells me that he is still not telling me everything or just maybe I am getting a bit paranoid and let myself think that I should not trust anyone easily. ‘Hey, want to go .. to … to go some place tomorrow with me?’ Louis said with a hopeful look. Maybe spending more time with him will ease my paranoia trust issue. What am I to lose? ‘Sure. But where are we going? What should I wear?’ I asked him, getting excited on what we will be doing tomorrow. Then he said, ‘It’s a surprise and do not worry about what you wear for tomorrow. You always look beautiful to me.’ and I cannot help but blush .. Woah. Hold up! Me, blush? Nah uh. Because of that I looked at my hands that are now playing the hem of my shirt. ‘Babe, you are so cute when you blush.’ while he gently put his hand on my chin tilting my head so that we are face to face with each other. ‘Louis, you are totally embarrassing me.’ I can tell my face is all red now.

                Right then and there I can see why so many girls swoon when they saw the boys. They had their own certain charm but Louis has this certain charm that is out of this world. His eyes are like the color of the ocean, so deep and blue that glints with mischievousness. Louis maybe a child at heart but when it comes down to his family and friend, he will do everything in his power just to protect them and really like that side of his. I once saw this serious side of his when he finally cannot handle it any longer. I am really glad that he vents all of his thoughts to me. He told me that without Harry – his best mate – he would probably be in a worst condition up until now. He also told me that he never told the other lads his problem and that reason was he does not want to be burden to anyone. That because of his childishness he cannot let them see how vulnerable he was. He kept on saying how stubborn Harry was because he kept on  pestering him to tell him what was wrong and why the sudden change of attitude. But he was glad that he opened up to the curly boy.

                ‘Just be ready at 11 in the morning. I am sure you will need the extra energy tomorrow plus I know for the fact that you will totally like my surprise just for you.’ Louis said but before I could say anything I yawned and just realized how tired I was. He then said, ‘Love, go to sleep. I will be right here.’ I nod and realized how right he is. I really need all the energy I can get for tomorrow. ‘Goodnight Loubear.’ I said to him and he said, ‘Goodnight love.’

Louis’ POV

                Things are looking up on my side. I have finally decided to show the surprise that I have been planning for quite some time to Lexie tomorrow. Seeing her beside me sleeping, I wrapped my arms around her fragile body so that she could be comfortable. The lads and lass’ decided to sleep together at the living room that we are currently staying. Harry and Princess are cuddled up on the couch and Niall and Jess are cuddled up beneath them. I was kinda wondering where Liam and Zayn were but did not move so that I will not disrupt her sleep, an angel who is sleeping beside me. I yawned and stared down at her beauty until I fell asleep.

~The Following Day~

                I woke up around 7 am in the morning, excitement and nervousness plastered on my face. I have been planning this for weeks, even months and today is the day I finally have a moment with Lexie. I pray to God that everything I had planned goes perfectly well and that neither fans nor paparazzi will find and disturbed us. I then looked at the girl who is beside me; I can tell that many boys are totally crushing on her. Her beauty is one of a kind. What captivated me the most about is her heart and soul, it is pure and innocent and though it was scarred by a selfish arrogant git. I tell you, she may think that it is her flaw but I contradict that it is mark that she is that strong. I then checked again the time and it was already 9 in the morning. I should wake her up to that we can eat breakfast together. ‘Love, wake up.’ I gently share her and she mumbled, ‘5 more minutes Princess. Tell Jess not to eat all the bacon.’ And she cuddled closer to me and a smile plastered on her face. Damn, this girl will be the death of me. I then kissed her temple, forehead, nose and cheek but not her lips and said, ‘Beautiful, wake up. Today is the day. We will be leaving in 2 hours.’ Her eyes then fluttered and she rubbed and said, ‘Good morning Loubear.’ ‘Good morning to you too beautiful.’ I said and winked at her direction and continued saying, ‘We should both get ready now. We only have 2 more hours to go for you to see mu surprise for you.’ she then agreed and said, ‘See you later Loubear. Cannot wait for the surprise!’ she then went to her room and got ready for later.

                I then went to the kitchen to find me some carrots. I was still searching when someone said, ‘Soo … when are you going to tell me that you fancy Lexie?’ that person really gave me a heart attack. I then turned around and Zayn was in front of me. So I played dumb and said, ‘What are you talking about Zayn?’ he then shook his head and said, ‘Do not play dumb with me Louis. I know you have been very distant with the lads except for Harry because I know he is a very stubborn. Why did you lie to me?’ hurt and betrayal is etched on his face. ‘Well .. You see ..’ but I did not get to explain because he cut me off and said, ‘If you had been honest with me, to all of us then we should not have any problem. But no, you lied and will not let us in. What really happened to you? Why have I not yet seen El? Did you two break up?’ I am getting uncomfortable with this subject with Zayn. Somebody please save me. I do not know how to tell him or the other lads. It is still a touchy subject to me. Then someone called and said, ‘Boobear, where are you? Boobear!’ he then appeared in the kitchen and said, ‘There you are Boobear! I miss you!’ Ahh. Thank you Hazza! Harry is so oblivious when there is an awkward tension. Zayn just left with a hurt look probably going to smoke or just drown in music.

                ‘Soo, are you ready for later Boobear?’ Harry asked me and I said, ‘I cannot wait. Do you think she will like my surprise? Oh god Harry! What if she does not like it?’ I feel nauseous and nervous. It has been a long time since I dated. I am totally freaking out now. ‘Do not worry about a thing Boobear. I am telling you, she will definitely like this or maybe more. Just be you, okay? I know you can do this!’ Harry said to me and I just nodded and said, ‘I really hope so Hazza. But I may have a problem.’ He then had a tell me or I will do the worst thing you do not want to know look and while I was staring at the ground I continued saying, ‘He knows.’ I looked at him and saw a lot of emotion – confused, realization, shock and nervousness. He then asked, ‘What did he say? Is he mad? Did he tell her cause …’ realization hit him and said, ‘He was talking to you but I interrupted. So that is why you had a triumphant look when I entered the kitchen while Zayn just passed by without looking at me.’ What did I tell you, Hazza is oblivious to this kind of stuff. I then said to him, ‘I just hope he did not tell to anybody else, especially Lexie. I want to tell her in person, not thru anybody else.’ and Hazza completely agreed with me.

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