A Walk. A Talk. If I Was Your Boyfriend

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Chapter 15

A/N: Hey guys! This is the next chapter. Who do think fancies Lexie? Is it Louis or Liam? We all know that Zayn is getting cozy with Lexie. In a few more chapters, I will reveal to you who is the other guy. Enjoy the new chapter!



Lexie’s POV

          We are currently staying at Raddison Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney a convenient to the lads because just a walking distance from the Sydney Opera House where the lads are having their concert. There are a lot of fans and paparazzi camping outside. Fans hoping that one of the boys will show themselves or go outside and get some pictures and autographs. We have stuck inside the hotel for so many hours and we are getting bored. Harry and Princess are sitting on the love seat, talking intimately. Niall and Jess are at the kitchen both making food for lunch. Ahh.. Those two will never change. I on the other hand am sitting beside Zayn and Louis and both staring at the TV watching Phineas and Ferb. We may look adults but apparently we are young at heart. Now Liam is at his room talking to Dani on Skype.

          I met Dani while we were touring in America. Such a lovely girl, they really deserve each other. Everything about her is so real. I can see why Liam is head over heels with these lass. Full of compassion to others and have this passion when it comes to dancing. That I admire!

          ‘I am bored! Guys, let’s do something. I do not want to spend my time here in Australia just staring at the TV.’ I said to them. Louis and Zayn completely agreed with me with a nod. Princess then said, ‘What are we going to do then?’ then before Louis gave a suggestion Princess cut him off and said, ‘No Louis. I will not play Truth or Dare. As much as I want to, I do not want to see my best friend – ‘ then she looked at me ‘- embarrass herself all over again.’ Oh my god! Then quickly defended myself, ‘That was a onetime thing; I was utterly drunk at that time! You do know that I am CRAZY. CRAZY, I tell you! I do not think straight and obviously not normal you know.’ All of them are laughing out loud especially Niall who is rolling on the floor clutching his stomach. Ugh, this is so not fair.

          Then suddenly, Zayn whispered in my ear and said, ‘Do you want to get out of here? Let us both explore what is outside this four walls.’ I quickly agree and told them all that we are going out. Not all of them said goodbye because they are all set on their own worlds.

          We quickly went at the back of the hotel where there are no fans and paparazzi. After checking that it is safe to walk outside, we then went straight to the Sydney Harbor. Walking and enjoying each other company. I learned that Zayn is the quiet and shy type. But when you get to know him a little more, he can be funny, sweet, outspoken and determine to do something.

          ‘So..’ we both said at the same time. We both chuckled and he said, ‘Lady’s first.’ Aww, such a gentleman. ‘Well, what is your dream besides singing?’ He then contemplated then said, ‘Well, I always love reading and I cannot stop myself from writing. I am quite fascinated by the Renaissance period, maybe because at that time women are treated with respect and worship them as if LOVE is the greatest thing in the world. I really want to share this kind of information to everybody. So with that, I maybe become a professor at a university.’ ‘Wow. You a professor, I can see you on that. But I do not think the students will listen to you.’ then he quickly turned to me and said, ‘Why would you say that?’ a shock expression on his face and a bit of hurt. I then said, ‘Cause, they will be busy looking at you dreamingly.’ Then we both laughed about that. He then said, ‘That is true. But hey, I am quite a catch you know.’ and I said, ‘Oh, I know.’ We then walked silently and also a good one.

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