Chapter 6

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I steal through the halls silently as I make my way to the Bifrost bridge. I put on a dark green tunic and black leather pants. Over it, I wore Loki's cape and helmet. I didn't wear shoes still.

I ran across the bridge, the rainbow smooth under my feet. Loki's cape billowed in the wind behind me. Just before I push through the boundaries between realms, Heimdall spoke up, "Where do you think you're going?"

I jump and turn slowly. I forgot about him. "Jotunheim," I state plainly. "Don't try to bend my magic again, Leidi," he warns. "Why not?" "You shouldn't do that unless it's an emergency," he says, his deep voice booming.

"Will you let me through, then?" I say. He slides the sword into something. I don't come here often. I don't know what that is. A portal opens up next to me. "Thank you, Heimdall," I say before stepping through.

The light is blinding. I fly through the Bifrost, laughing. It's fun, this way. I can't believe I never travelled this way. I spin so I'm flying with my back facing downwards.

My fun doesn't last too long. I crash into the plush snow of Jotunheim. I roll until I land on my back. I look at the snow falling from above. My breath is visible.

Now that I'm in Jotunheim, I doubt that I need this illusion. It fades as my skin turns blue and my eyes turn red. I hope no one recognizes me. Especially not Hrimnir or Jarnsaxa. They won't be happy with my return.

I walk slowly through the wasteland. The cold snow feels good under my bare feet. The cape drags behind me, smoothing out my snow tracks. The helmet immediately begins getting covered in a thin sheet of snow.

A group of frost giants approach me. "You're kind of small to be one of us," the tallest one says in a gravelly voice, "Who are you?" I back up a little. "The king is small as well," another one says to the first one. "Yes, but he is taller than she," the first one growls. "The king?" I say, "As in, Laufey?" They look at me and laugh, "you must not know much. Laufey was killed by his own son," a giant in the back says.

"You mean Helblindi or Byleistr?" I say. He can't mean Loki. I saw him. He died. But I wish for them to tell me it's Loki. He lets out a roaring laugh, "His other son! You just arrived, did you not?" I nod.

"We should see what the king wants to do with her," the first Jotunn says. "Uhm, maybe I'll just go," I say, wanting to get away from them. They've just confirmed that Loki is alive. But I want to find him on my own. Without them. Because the tallest Jotunn there is none other than Hrimnr.

My father carries me and tosses me over his shoulder. "UNHAND ME YOU FIEND!!!" I scream, punching and kicking. "Silence!" He says, "the King will choose your fate." I scream and struggle anyway, while the giants walk toward a large ice palace. I hardly see it, because I'm upside down.

"My king!" My father bows before someone I can't see but hope is Loki, "we found an intruder. She dropped from the sky." "Ehehehe she dropped from the sky? Hrimnr, that is silly. Is she Aesir?" I feel him shake his head, "She is Jotunn."

"I AM RIGHT HERE!!! PUT ME DOWN NOW!!!!" I yell. "Silence!" He yells before delivering a hard slap to my arse. My father is abusing me sexually? And he doesn't even realize? "May I speak to her?" the king says. Hrimnr throws me roughly into the snow. I fall on my back, Loki's helmet horns sticking in the snow.

I don't see the king's face. I'm too busy pulling the helm out of the snow. I do see his hand move and the other Jotunns leave us alone. Once I pull the helm out of the ground, I put it on my head and stand, looking at the king. "Loki? You're King of Jotunheim?" I say incredulously. I was holding on to hopes but things go wrong often enough for me to always expect the worst.

"Yes I am, young traveler. And you have come a long way, haven't you?" He says. "Loki, I thought you were..." I trail off, the tears slipping from my eyes. "Did you mourn?" He says. I break down sobbing. He hops down from the throne and pulls me into his arms.

He rubs my back and holds me close. I cry harder than I've cried in a long time. "I know. I'm sorry," he says holding me. "How could you possibly know?" I say, muffled by his chest. "I was with you," he says. "You lied to me," I say.

"I always told you the truth," he rests his chin on my head. "You said you'd never hurt me," I say, "you lied." "I didn't want to leave you. But I had to. Of course I was able to come back," he said. I dig my nails into his back. We stand silently.

"I came and visited you. But I couldn't stay. I needed to remain unseen. It's not the first time I've supposedly died," he says. "Loki, when you came, why did you leave this," I say pulling out the green rose and a crumpled note. I had to go through a lot to get these back.

"What is this?" He said opening the letter. He looked it over and his eyes widened. "I didn't write this, Leidi," he looks at me with pleading eyes. "I believe you, but then who did? And how did they get this rose to be green? I like it," I say admiring the rose. He plucks it from my hand and examines it.

He pulls a petal out and it turns red. "This is dark magic," he concludes. "So, it was done by, what some sort of sorcerer?" I say. "Let me see the note again," I hand it back. " he examines the handwriting, "Amora." His voice is just above a whisper.

I pull back and take his helmet off of my head and place it on his, "I love you." He pulls me into his arms, "I love you too."

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