Authors Note

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Dear all of you lovely people,

I AM BACK!!!! Sure I wrote stories under the name of Savannah Gaeadittir, as she so graciously let me, but my name is Hanan Sumra and I am officially taking the reins of this story. I'd like to give a big thanks to my lovely friends Savannah and Skuld and Leidi for all the thought they put into this adorable story. I mean I threw my phone against the wall a few times but it was nice. In celebration of my recovery, I wish to send a shoutout to all of my lovely school friend.

Celeste Cabrera, My friend from team DC/Marvel!

Jessica Rubel aka HARU-CHAN!!

Lucy, my awesome friend. Good luck with Jourdan and Steven.

Emmanuela, I love your stupid questions!!

Hathe, Hathe, Hathe, Hathe!!!! My best friend ever!! Don't stop being an annoying fuck!!!! (Jk)

Juan, I know you love Jessica! Make your move, Tama-chan!!!

Sebastian, keep being Sebastian!!!!

Liomy, just cuz I go to a different school doesn't mean you should stop checking over your shoulder. *prepares to tackle-hug you again*

Debby, Spooder man, Spooder man, does whatever a spooder can!!

I love you all and I can't wait till I see you again. Beware your first day of school!! And good luck in the eighth grade all of you. Prepare, for the Galactus of your middle school lives.

With love,
Hanan Sumra, who has miraculously earned the nickname Liesmith. Thanks a lot, LEIDI!!!!

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