Chapter Fifteen:

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Chapter Fifteen:

I was insane, I had to be to have agreed to the idea so quickly.  But there was no way I couldn't agree, it seemed so easy, such a simple thing to do that would help Harry so so much.  I had no choice, I had to help Harry, and sneaking into the Headmaster's office was the only sure-fire way to do it.  

I'd never been so happy that the corridors of Hogwarts were empty at night, or that they were made of concrete rather than wood.  No one to see us, no noise to make, and that was a good thing at this point in time.  

Luna met us halfway towards the staircase that led to my father's office, and we snuck towards it as quickly as we could, only sharing looks and not daring to talk for fear of waking a painting up, which could, in turn, cause a ruckus and wake up the entire castle.  

The ride of the moving staircase was more than we bargained for, not realizing quite how loud stone grinding against stone could be until we were trying desperately hard to make a sound.  Once we'd gotten to the office, Neville took the liberty of opening the door ever so slightly to make sure that the cost was clear.  

It was.

Each of the pictures of previous Headmasters slept soundly, snoring on occassion and I couldn't help to still shake my head at the oddness of it all.  This would be my third year here in Hogwarts, but I still wasn't quite used to it.  Paintings could walk and talk, ghosts were seen daily, perfectly able to have  conversations like anyone else. Little elves made our food in the kitchens, the kitchens were hid behind a picture, there were hippogriffs, trolls, giant spiders, fairies and everything else that the muggles were so sure didn't exist. 

It was crazy, and sometimes I still half-believed this was all some elaborate joke or dream.  

I knew it wasn't, but that usually didn't stop me from thinking about the fact that it could be.

I heard a small crash coming from my left and I quickly looked over to see Neville standing there, a horrified look plastered on his face as he stared down at the inkhorn that he'd just knocked off the shelf and broken, ink staining the floor and the rug.  

I noticed one of the pictures of a previous Headmaster moving, and looking up towards it, I saw him moving, his eyes opening and I could feel the distaste he had for us rolling off of him in waves.  But he didn't say anything, just watched for a single moment before his eyes closed back again.  

Breathing a sign of relief, I helped Neville to pick up the broken glass and clear up the ink that was splattered across the floor.  

"Lily, Neville, I don't think we're going to find the sword here," Luna muttered as she crossed the room back over to us, shaking her head slowly as if snapping herself out of a daze.   My mouth opened slightly as she called me Lily but I shook my head and decided to just go with it.

 Everyone seemed to be figuring out my secret lately, and that wasn't a good thing.  If I couldn't be more careful, I could very easily find myself in a torture chamber with a Death Eater, that was certainly not something I wanted to happen.  I'd need to find a way to make myself less conspicuous, I needed to make sure nobody else would figure out who I am, because four people were enough, definitely enough.  


 Squeeling happily as several pieces of mail fluttered down to me at supper in the Great Hall the next evening, I grabbed them up quickly and left the table to find somewhere secluded so I could read it all in peace.  I knew the handwriting immediately on the front of one, it was definitely Fred's, and the writing on the other's was Ginnys.   There were three more pieces of mail, I didn't know who those were from but at the time, I didn't care one bit.

I got a letter from Fred! My mind screamed happily.  I hid myself in the second floor girls bathroom, ignoring the slight splashing that had to come from Moaning Myrtle, and immediately went to work on opening and reading my boyfriends words.


Sorry it's been so long since I last wrote to you, I got a bit carried away with George, we're working on a few new things for our shop. I'm sure you'll love them.  

I'm writing now to tell you that Mum found this letter in your clothes that you left, as she was about to wash them.  I figured you'd  forgotten about it or it wasn't important but just in case, I'm sending it anyway.

Home hasn't been the same without you Lils, it's boring and everyone is on edge with all that's happening. Mum's a complete mess, worrying over Ron, and Ginny is too. 

Then I'm sitting here, wondering what you're doing, how you're doing, if you've found out anything new, or are in trouble.  My mind is constantly taken over by worrying thoughts and wild imagination. 

I hope you're okay, and I miss you loads.  Write me back soon!



With a large grin on my face, I held his letter to my chest and sighed, happy and relieved to find that everything at the Weasley house was okay.  

Next, I turned to the letter that had been sent with Fred's.  The writing on the front was familiar, as was the name Lupin.  I vaguely remembered asking Harry about Lupin when I'd first gotten this letter.  As soon as I'd gotten it, I had tucked it into my robes and forgotten about it.

I opened it up, skimming through it quickly before going back and rereading it to make sure that I wasn't simply misunderstanding. 

Lilith Deacon,

Your father was one of my best friends, and as such, I was the keeper of his will.  I'm writing to inform you that the house on Number Twelve Grimmauld Street is now under yours and Harry Potters name.  

It belongs to both of you, used however you wish, just as Sirius wanted it to me. 

I know you don't want to hear this from some man you've barely met for a half a second, but he loved you.  You were his only child, and from the moment he found out that you were his, he loved you with everything in him.  

You deserved a long and happy life with Sirius, as he also deserved a happy, long life with you, and I'm terribly sorry that neither of you got that in the end.  But I hope that having his home, and sharing his memories will help you along your road to recovery.  

The photo albums are on the third floor, second door to your left, under the bed.  

They're all yours.  

Sincerely, Remus Lupin. 

Tears had started making their way down my face as I silently clenched the letter in my fist.  Everything I'd been holding back flooded over me in a sea of emotions that I wasn't equipped to handle.  

My body was racked with sobs as I sat down in the middle of the bathroom, dragging my knees to my chest as I curled in upon myself.  In my moments of utter, absolute sadness, I noticed Moaning Myrtle glancing over my shoulder to read the simple words, written upon normal paper, that had broken me. 


Its taken a while to write this chapter and for that I apologize!  I've been soooo busy as I have a new job and am trying to spend more time with my son and i'm just sorry :c  

This chapter is slightly longer though, and I know it doesn't make up for the long wait but I hope it makes you guys a bit less mad at me >.<  

Anyways, no telling when the next chapter will be out, just keep bugging me until I get it done, lol.

Peace and Love,


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