Chapter Four:

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Chapter Four:

After the immediate hours that followed me finding safety, I was ready to break down crying.  Not only did I hurt everywhere, but not everyone had escaped from the Death Eaters.  George had lost his ear in the fight, though that hadn't ruined his sense of humor.  Fred was fine, thankfully, because I didn't know how I would handle it if he'd been hurt.  Ron, Hermione and Harry were safe, yet Harry's pet owl Hedwig had been killed.

Mad-Eye Moody was dead.. 

I hadn't known him all that long and certainly not very well, but it was beyond hard to believe that someone like him could even die, much less be killed by the enemy.  In all honesty, it was then.. right when I found out about Hedwig and Moody that I realized this wasn't a joke.  We were really at war, people were dying, people would continue to die and anyone one of the people in the room with me at that time could be next.  

I lay in bed that night on my stomach, the other wounds and injuries for the most part had been healed, but the large burn on my back had refused to leave me, and I thought about death.. Not my own, but what would I do if someone else died?  Dumbledore, Hedwig, Moody and countless others had probably already been murdered, who was next?  When would it even end...

I jumped, biting my lip to hold in my slightly pained gasp as my door opened suddenly, a slight figure illuminated by the hallway light.  


I heard the familiar voice of Fred Weasley, and I sighed as it seemed to wrap around me, along with a feeling of safety that I wasn't quite as familiar with.  I opened my mouth to speak out to him, grimacing as my cracked lips seemed to break, and as I licked them I tasted the blood that must have been caused from it.  

"Fred.." I muttered, blinking sleepily as he closed the door behind him. I could hear his light footfalls echo through the room before feeling my bed dip underneath his weight as he obviously sat down, then laid down next to me, getting underneath the covers as if it was nothing new to him.  

I smiled as he moved closer, wrapping his arms around me while still being mindful of my back, sighing in absolute happiness as his scent seemed to shove its way into my bloodstream.  I felt so at home in his arms, more so that I'd ever felt before.  

"I was hoping you'd be awake.  I missed you." 

Blushing, I buried my head into his chest as the entire days events seemed to crash down upon me even more than they had been before Fred had come, and though I'd tried my best to hold back my tears, I wound up sobbing myself to sleep in my boyfriends arms.


The next few days were hectic, between the depression of Moody being gone, and the wedding of Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley, there was not much time to do anything else.  Fred came and slept with me those nights, and while I was certain Mrs. Weasley knew, she never mentioned it and I was grateful that she didn't ban it.  

I probably wouldn't have been able to sleep without him next to me, the nightmares tended to keep both of us awake so that we were dead tired during the day, and if it wasn't for George and his Holey jokes about his missing ear, which he'd gotten that night, we'd have been zombie-like.  I'd been moritified and burst out crying when I realized what had happened, but he just laughed and made a joke about me finally being able to tell them apart.

Not that I had much of a problem with that before, I'd always managed to tell them apart as I'd always had a good knack for details. 

Just looking at George, I wondered how he could stand not having an ear, it made me want to cry that someone so nice and sweet and friendly, just all around beautiful, could have such a horrid thing happen to him.

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