Chapter Three:

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Chapter Three:

I screeched as I tumbled through the air, nearly losing my balance on the broom as a curse hit the tail end of it. The icy wind of England nipped at my arms and face as the glasses identical to Harry's flew off, and the danger escalated. 

I could no longer see, everything was horribly blurry with Harry's eyesight and I tried hard to make everything come into focus, yet nothing worked.  I could barely make out the figures flying close -too close- beside me, and I tilted my broom up, determined to lose who I knew to be Death Eaters.  

Out of my peripheral vision, I saw a jet of yellow light blast out of seemingly nowhere, and I went even higher up in order to dodge it.  My fingers were already starting to go numb as I gained altitude, my breath coming in short, fast pants as I fought to remain control of my broom while at the same time, still trying to make out where I was, what was happening and what I could do in order to save myself.

One of my pursuers knocked into me quickly, and I hadn't even notice them come up beside me.  Before I knew it, I was upside down, my knees locked around the thin wooden handle of my transportation, my numb hands clasped tightly around it as well as my weight caused it to tip down.  I began spiraling after just a few moments as I tried to correct myself, my stomach was jolting everytime I spun, and I vomited in the middle of the sky.  

For the slightest second, I felt sorry for whoever was underneath me on the ground, but that thought process quickly ended as my broom finally stabilized and I was able to race off, continuing downward and hoping against all hope that the Death Eaters wouldn't follow me so close to the Muggles. 

I was dead wrong.  

The streets were dark as I flew between houses, scraping them and nearly smashing into one as I tried hard to see with my now-poor eyesight and the darkness that already fully surrounded me.  

It was nearly impossible and I knew that I'd need to get back into the air where there were no worries of slamming into something.  

All the while, spells were being fired at me, left and right, and I had had more than enough near-death experiences to last myself a lifetime in that short span of a half hour that I'd been flying. Harry's too-long hair whipped around me, stinging my face and eyes as the copy of his overly-large shirt blew in the wind, rising up to expose my boyish chest to the freezing cold air.  

I bit my lip painfully as I risked a glance around, hoping to see something -however blurry- that would tell me just where I was and where I needed to go to get safe, but of course, I wasn't that lucky.  As far as I could tell, we were flying over a forest, but I didn't know of any forests anywhere near where I was supposed to be headed.  

I screamed as a shot landed on me, burning through my shirt and straight into my skin, searing pain ripped through me from my back and in my shock, I jerked the broom and it was then that I lost complete control over it and fell to the ground, into the forest.

I fell into the screams, barely managing to hold back more screams as the branches tore at my clothes, piercing and slashing through my skin before I finally hit the ground with a final thud, my broom lay broken and useless beside me.  

Still, no matter how badly and indescribably I hurt, I managed to get to my feet, getting far away from my crash site as I could in fear that the Death Eaters wouldn't just leave me, assuming I was dead and that they would come hunting for me.

I could feel blood oozing from several of my cuts, gashes and scrapes, my head pounded horribly as the dead leaves crunched under my feet, my back was still throbbing with pain and as I walked, I felt the skin stretching and pulling on the wound.  What kind of wound it was, I wasn't even sure, but it burned more than nearly anything I'd felt before, reminding me slightly of the Cruciatus Curse.

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