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Ok so this is my first story. If you are wondering what this story contains I suggest you read the description and the important note. Like I said you have been warned. Now enough about what this story contains and let's get on with the actual story shall we?


So there I was, cold, wet, and alone in a dark alley. The feeling of loneliness crept up my spine as I jumped at every breeze that blew by. My nerves were raw and my brain was fried. My heart felt like it was bleeding in my chest, but I didn't let my heart bleed its emotions all over my face. I hid every emotion as if it were a piece of rotten food, pointless and utterly dislikable. My name is Nikole, but everyone just calls me Nicky. I was born into a secretive and somewhat stoic bunch. I suppose I should have seen this coming. I should have been prepared that he would strike. I should have known he would take this vendetta too far. I mean harshly pranking and seeking mediocre revenge on people is one thing, but killing them is a whole other world. One I will not stand for. I will have my revenge, but so I can get you up to date on the situation, allow me to tell you my story.

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