Chapter 16

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Hey there!! I had extra time on my hands and decided to give you a chapter! This is one of my favorites! It was so fun to write this chapter...enjoy!!!


As I burst through the doors I saw a horde of pack members charging me, prepared to fight, but then so was I. To put it simply I PUT. THE. HURT. ON. Those guys were no match for these guns! They be like: we have stabby thingies (swords) and I be like: COME! AT! ME! BRO!

I love being me! There is a joy in knowing you could get revenge on every enemy, bully, and teacher that hated you within a ten mile radius. Plus it was fun to simply hurt these guys...I mean some of them are like marshmallows...literally...marshmallows. In other words, VERY fat momma's boys...easy to beat.

Anyways I broke through the glass and plowed through the forces that were awaiting me in the lobby. I made a beeline for the elevator and punched the button for the top floor. When the doors closed I did a little victory dance in the the embarrassing kind that you only do when you're alone...yeah.

Ding! The elevator doors opened revealing...what?! The elevator doors opened to a very large room filled with a bunch of half naked pack members getting dressed in their ninja was a MEN'S locker room thing too!

The pack members just stared at me in embarrassment and others, who had just walked around the corner from the shower, used towels and hands to hide where the sun don't shine...if you know what I mean. My face turned bright cherry red.

"Sorry, wrong level!" I screamed slamming my fist on the 'close doors' button. I noticed a button above this floor's button...I had missed this button and had pressed the second-to-top floor's button instead by mistake. (Geez that's a LOT of the word button...sorry bout just roll with it. Ill just PRESS on now...huh huh get it? No? Okay.) I sighed and leaned against the door after pushing the button for the right floor, trying to make my face look normal for when the REAL top floor was revealed.

Ding! The elevator doors opened again...this time to a more sinister scene. The battle has begun.

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