Chapter 19

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So yeah I tweaked a few things to make this whole prison thing don't hate on me cause Nicky isn't in a juvenile prison. You can't say I didn't tell you about how I tweaked things.


The first day...the first measly day...I had a "normal" morning for being in a prison. Lying in bed all morning, I waited for the announcement that lunch was being served...of course not saying a thing to Maria...although, she was STILL drunk somehow and for some reason the alcohol she most recently drank was making her a chatterbox. She talked and talked and talked...well...more like she slurred and slurred and slurred because she was drunk.

Finally the announcement came...lunch! Our cells were opened one cell block at a time. Ours was the last cell block to be opened, OF COURSE. When the door finally rolled open I darted from the cell in my ugly, bright orange, jumpsuit. I was eager to get out of there and save my ears from being talked off.

I zipped down the corridors to the cafeteria. I was so hungry. I got in line and received my food without a hitch. Everything went well...until I sat down that is.

I sat at a random table to eat my one was sitting there so I just plopped down and started eating. And of course...I had to sit down at the table belonging to all the tough girls in the jail. When I say tough, I mean tough. These women had biceps that were bigger than my face! Not only were their muscles huge, but so were their egos. This was the group of girls that did "initiations" for newcomers to the jail. I was the newcomer...see the things that I walk's like the universe is dealing me these "cards," so to speak, in hopes that I'll get beat up...thanks universe! So there I sat at these girls' table, completely oblivious that I had done such a thing.

"Hey you little punk!" I heard someone say from a few feet behind me followed by fast hard footsteps. "Watchu doin sittin at our table?!"

"I didn't..." I answered trying to explain as I whipped my head to the side in an effort to clearly see who I was speaking to.

"No excuses!" Growled one woman, cutting me off, as she stepped into my peripheral vision and crossed her hulking arms across her chest. She was huge. She had a large scar running down her cheek, rolled up sleeves in a guy-like manner, tattoos on both arms, short spikey hair, bulging muscles, she was the Hulk as a woman! She towered above me and quite frankly I was intimidated, but I knew that size doesn't always mean victory in a fight, being quick on your feet and cunning...that's what wins fights...and they were things I had at my disposal.

The one woman grabbed my jumpsuit by the collar and hoisted me off the ground, into the air. I let her lift me for two reasons: for one I was hoping to avoid a fight by not struggling and two if I had to fight there was no way I was about let her know how dangerous and lethal of a teen I really was until I actually had to fight. As she did this, two other women fell in behind her with their arms crossed, glaring at me.

"You don't want to mess with us, you insignificant teenager!" Screeched the woman holding me off the floor as she waved her fist in my face. By now other women had started to gather around waiting to see me get beat senseless.

"Put me down and I'll move...I don't want any trouble." I said hoping to calm this control freak's nerves.

"You don't want trouble? Well you've got some!" Snarled the leader chic in my face, grinning devilishly as she gloated arrogantly. She got all up in my face and let me tell you...her breath was rank!

"I've got two words for you..." I said confidently, grinning all the while, "" If I was going to get into trouble with these women I might as well show a little spunk...and have a little fun doing it!

"Why you little-!" She yelled, clearly offended.

As soon as she finished her sentence I pulled my legs up to my chest, thrusting them into her chest and doing a backflip to escape her reach. At this point her two minions, also with bulky and bulging arms, ran to attack me while their leader tried to catch the breath I had knocked out of her.

I was having so much fun! I didn't know jail could be so fun! And I thought my stay was going to be boring!

I was doing backflips, handsprings, leg sweeps....a whole bunch of other stuff. It was like my own personal training session. I fought with the minions. They were actually just muscle-bound idiots...simpletons. I overcame one with a high-kick to the face and a leg sweep. The other I bested by ducking a punch from her and a kick to the side of the face (I had one foot on the ground and the other strait up in the air...yeah I'm a little flexible) coupled with an uppercut punch. Both of the minions fell to the ground and their leader was still leaning on a table, wheezing. I would have been done with the fight but unfortunately for the minions, they got back up.

They ran at me with all the ferocity of a hurt puppy. They did manage to corner me against a table, though. I had to get out of being cornered, so I jumped into a somersaulted between their legs  and landed on my feet behind them. I readied myself to spring and when they turned around I launched myself into the air. Once I had reached the area just above their heads I issued a perfect split kick, kicking them in the faces. The minions fell with a thud as I landed with graceful precision in a crouching position and then I had to deal with the leader who had just caught her breath but still looked like she was struggling a bit to breathe.

I decided to finish her off in one fell swoop. While I waited for a good time to strike, I listened to the crowd of women cheering...they were cheering for me! I crouched again and grinned, preparing myself for my attack on the leader chic.

She ran at me, shrieking with anger. I waited for her to get close enough to be able to accurately issue my attack. I! I sprang upwards, grabbed her jumpsuit on the shoulder, and spun my body around to her back so I could grab her by the shoulders. Once I had a grip on her shoulders I stopped spinning and let my body fall from a handstand. As my body came down I gripped her shoulders tighter. When my body came down enough, I unlocked my knees and bent my legs so that they aimed for the woman's back. With my knees bent, I used my arm strength to speed up my body's descent. My knees hit her in the middle of the back with much force.

She fell forward with a crash, as she nicked a table when she fell. As for me, I had to right myself. When my knees had hit her back, I pushed off of her with my legs and leaned back. In doing so I hit the ground in a handstand and then pushed off of my hands to land on my feet.

I strolled over to the leader woman and offered her a hand to help her get up. She sat there for a moment stunned and trying to decide whether she could take my hand or not. She must have decided towards it because she took my hand.

"How did you do that?!" She asked, looking at me incredulously when she stood up.

I looked her in the eye and whispered, "I can do that because I am a martial artist."

She looked at me with a new respect and after some contemplation said, "You can eat with us anytime."

"Thanks." I replied as I helped the other two up and took my seat to finish eating my food, which was still sitting on the table, getting cold.

I saw a couple of guards standing by the doorway smiling, happy to see the fall of a woman who gave them much trouble. The women sat with me for lunch that day...actually we hit it off pretty well. I learned that they were being held in jail for a crime they didn't commit, they were convicted mostly because of their appearances. Turns out they were friends and weight lifters who wanted to be big time wrestlers. As for their names: the leader was Barbara and the minions' names were Abigail and Cayenne. I told them of why I was being detained there as well. By the time lunch was over, I had a feeling we were going to be pretty good friends for the next week.

I couldn't help wondering what was in store for me at my trial.

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