Chapter 15

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I was puzzled...very puzzled indeed. I was looking over the information I needed to triangulate the location of the call that I had received last night. It was already 7:00 p.m. and I was running out of time...I only had about 2 hours left to find my friends before they became three separate piles of neatly sliced Julian fries!

Triangulating the call's location was hard without a legit smartphone just didn't cut took too long. "Aha!! Got it!!" I exclaimed to myself. I had finally managed to triangulate the location.

I ran, tearing through the dark New York City streets, following the directions to the location of the call. I know this is a trap...but I wish someone could tell me the part where I have a choice. I could only hope that Black Wolf called from his lair.

Suddenly something whizzed through the air...hearing it I stopped short as an arrow plowed into the ground not three inches from my feet. I looked up to the roof of a building in the direction of the arrow's origin. There standing poised on the roof's edge was a pack member, clad fully in black. He almost blended into the dark, roiling clouds overhead. A storm was more ways than one.

Arrows began whizzing through the air at rapid speed. I dodged them all, not a single one grazed my phone...that was a different story. I had been holding my phone in my hand as I was following the signal I had found, to my uncle 's lair, when I had triangulated the call. Unfortunately when dodging the arrows I had managed to keep myself from harm but my phone had been pierced by an arrow that had narrowly missed my hand. "Dang it!" I exclaimed in frustration as much as desperation as I threw my phone to who cares where...I no longer had a signal to follow.

His supply of arrows depleted, the pack member ran across the rooftops, nimbly sailing over the spaces between buildings.

Thinking quickly I followed him in hopes that he was headed back to base...his master's lair. I followed him from the ground until I found a fire escape to aid me in ascending to the rooftops. I followed him at a distance in hopes he wouldn't notice me. He did notice me...I chased him until he found a suitable alley and jumped into the shadows, hiding. I followed, but when I arrived on the ground he was gone, seemingly disappeared.

"CRAP!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs trying to blow off some steam. I had no leads, no...anything for that matter. " dream...I remember seeing a street sign in my dream! Chelsea Street, North Chelsea Street!!! I remember now!" I muttered  enthusiastically. This was SO cliche, but it was the only lead I had. Plus I had an odd feeling that my dream really did correspond with his lair's location. "The building, I remember it had a sign that said...Black Wolf Industries!" Then it dawned on me, "Wait, wait, wait! So you're telling me that my uncle's name, The Black Wolf, is all over the news and he's at large with the cops looking for him, but they never bothered to check the huge, colossal office building with his name on it in black, bold, easy-to-read letters? This is just TOO CLICHE!!! How STUPID are these people?!?!" This realization was so face-palm worthy if I had the time, but alas I didn't. There was only about an hour left to find my friends or they were goners.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Finding the office building (not like it was all that hard to find on account of the name plastered on the side of the building, no doubt for the people who were looking to join the pack...the letters on the side make it easy to least for crooks and thugs, but apparently it's to complex and complicated for cops to figure out) I broke through the glass that made up the main door. Things are about to heat up and possibly get messy.

For the record I have nothing against cops, they're pretty awesome...the stupid comment is supposed to be comic relief from a frustrated character.


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