Chapter 8

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Okay so another double update. Sorry I've been really bad at updating on Saturday but...sports...need I go on? I think the word sports should sum it up for you. Anyway, here you go!! Enjoy!

The girls took turns looking at one another and then at me. As if they had just talked everything through together, their eyes locked with mine and they all nodded.

"Good, meet me tomorrow at this address." I said scribbling the address onto three small slips of paper and handing them to the girls.

"A warehouse?" Asked Sophia scrunching up her face in bewilderment.

"'s the best place I could find to hide me from my uncle and have the space I needed."

Sophia shrugged her shoulders, as if saying 'oh well.'

We chatted about some things having to do with their training, discussing the details. We decided that they would meet me every day after school, but leaving out the part about going to a warehouse and not my house. They would all need to tell their parents that they were going to my place and not tell where exactly they were going. They would also have to take a different route home each night in order to evade my uncle and the devastation he would call down upon them.

We talked through the details but alas I had to leave. I told them all farewell and slipped out of the house.

Returning to my stealthy foxlike manner of getting around the city, I cautiously commuted back to the warehouse. Once there, I grabbed some foam I had found in the trash and an old blanket I had discovered, wrapping up in the blanket and preparing myself for sleep.   

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