Chapter 10

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The girls arrived not long after I had awoke, screaming. Luckily for me they had brought food for me. I was so hungry that I was nauseous. I ate quickly, practically inhaling the food in order to start their training right away.

I began their training. We started with meditation, focusing on the link between the body and that mind. It went well, their first training session. They were quick learners.

We spent the entire day training. I was able to introduce the basics to them but I didn't start teaching them how to perform the basic attack and defense moves.

We trained most of the day Sunday as well.

I continued to go to school in order to avoid arousing suspicion. I still had my books and stuff since I had left them in my locker the day my uncle burned my house to the ground. Plus, I was able to keep clean because I had PE everyday and you're required to shower after PE...the school even supplies soap and shampoo to try to make sure people shower.

Everyday after school the girls met me at the warehouse and everyday I taught them more. They were improving at a pleasing pace, too.

"I may be able to completely train them in the basics." I thought to myself as I observed them spar each other one day. "This may just work."

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