Chapter 23

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Yup...the rest of this story is still advice is to imagine your own ending its probably end better than this ending (the ending is this chapter and the next and then I'm done so yeah).


I was welcomed into the Kimberly family right away. Even though they knew I was a cop I was welcomed. It seems that Karly and I are officially sisters. As soon as I got to their house I was told which room was going to be mine and then we all piled in the car and went shopping for clothes for me and some other stuff for my bedroom.

When we returned home I had to leave right away. I was going to set some tombstones in the graveyard for my parents. There was nothing to bury though...the house had been burned to the ground and the bodies of my parents were incinerated in the blaze. It was a quiet one person ceremony.
The judge had ruled earlier, that I inherited what my parents had in the bank and anything they had that hadn't been turned to ashes in the fire. (They didn't have wills written out.) It was a very sad day.

The next day I got a text on my "cop-cell" as I like to call it, it's the phone the police department had given me. The text said that I was to go to the station on Oliver and 3rd street immediately to pick up the customized banrai I had asked for in exchange for the guns. After telling my new parents where I was going, I headed down to the station. Once I arrived I was lead to a back room and the banrai were unveiled. The handles were a red-pink color and had flowers chiseled into them, each flower was a different color or shade of a color, and all  of the specifications I requested where incorporated into the fine weapons.

The deputies gathered around me as I inspected my weapons. The deputies seemed to respect me and admire me for some reason...even the older deputies. "I love them. They are perfect." I said finally and as I did I got a whole bunch of welcomes from the deputies...that is until they were reminded that I presided over them in the chain of authority.

While there, I was told of how the banrai were actually handcrafted in Japan and were sent to New York by express mail. I was also told that the man who had crafted them had worked on them nonstop until they were finished. I was also handed a lightweight yet thick leather belt that had been specially made to carry my banrai in, courtesy of the maker of the banrai. I thanked them all and returned to my new home.

I returned home and set the box, that contained my banrai, gingerly on the nightstand next to my bed.

"Whatchu doin'?" Asked Karly

"Admiring these." I said as I pulled out my banrai.

"Are those...?"

"Uh-huh." I answered.

"Wow!" She whispered loudly in awe.

Just then my cop-cell went off as I received another text that said one of the deputies had recently gotten very sick and had needed emergency surgery...I was to fill in for him on tonight's patrol.

I told my new family where I was headed. I then strapped on my belt for my banrai and suited up in the few other things I needed (like my badge and stuff) for the first night patrol of many.

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