Chapter 18

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Hey there you beautiful people!!! Here's another chapter of Shadows in the Night! Enjoy!


The authorities must have released my friends and drug me down to street level because the next thing I knew I was lying, pressed down, over the hood of a squad car. When I completely came to I heard one of the policeman say, "you are under arrest, know that anything you say can and will be used against you...blah blah blah..." I tuned out after the first one of my rights and tuned into what my friends were saying to the other officer. They were telling him the whole story...everything that happened. When they finished the first part of the story he began telling them how worried their families were as they had called the police station earlier that day.

When the girls were finished telling the officer the rest of the story, I heard them start to plead with him. "Please don't arrest her sir! She saved our lives! She doesn't deserve this! PLEASE!!!" They begged. Their pleas made no difference, the authorities were still going to detain way or another. I wouldn't blame them either...I mean they walk in to see some girl hovering over a dead guy, blood everywhere including on the chic's face, a pair of katanas are in said chic's hands, and a bunch of teenage girls are chained to a wall. Who wouldn't arrest me?

After the girls were put is separate squad cars and taken home and I was thrown in the back of one as well, everything was a blur. I was driven to the city prison and locked in a cell with a smelly, crazed, maniac girl by the name of Maria Ramirez...which I'm surprised she remembered because of her current hangover.

See, Maria liked to sneak away from the cafeteria and find the warden's office, where the warden just so happens to hide his smuggled in booze. Maria then uses said booze to get drunk. This girl could really hold her alcohol, though. She could drink a lot and be drunk, but walk strait. As long as she doesn't have to talk to anyone, she can get away with it. The only side effect of drunkenness for her is that she slurs her speech and doesn't make any sense when she talks. I'll have to admit I have mixed feelings about her...half of me wanted to say "you go girl, nice stealth skills" and the other half of me was utterly repulsed.

For the most part Maria and I never spoke. I was too busy trying to decide what I thought of her to say anything anyway. "Besides," I thought "my trial is in one week...what's the point of getting to know one another...I'll probably be moved to some other prison even if I lose the trial anyway." This was going to be a long week...I could tell.

Okay sorry it's short! 😰 I hope you enjoyed this quick chapter though!!!


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