Chapter 3

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Okay so I know that I didn't describe Sophia but I'm not sure how to describe I thought a description in that section would throw things off slightly. You'll get to know a little more about her later...she has her own section thing in this story. Enjoy!!

"Hey Nicky!" Called Ria as I began to walk home from school. "What's with you lately? Antisocial much?" Ria was a bouncy girl who had a bit of an attitude with a customized swagger used to buff her attitude until it was shiny and bubbly. To put it simply... She was annoying...ALL the time, but I loved her, she was loyal and kind and she certainly never criticized me about my family's stoic nature.

"Sorry I just...I've been having a hard time at home." I mumbled. I had managed to keep the secret from her that my family was basically trained to be a bunch of ninja assassins. I had also managed to keep it a secret about all the shootings. Although...I have always suspected that she knew. Judging by the glint In her eyes I could tell she knew.

"How's the whole crazy uncle thing?" She asked hesitantly. I shot her a cold, hard stare, my bright green eyes boring a hole into her. I didn't even have to say anything, she knew something was up. She had gotten very good at judging peoples' moods since she hung around with my stoic family so much ( least we're stoic around strangers and people we don't know very personally). With my family you had to read between the emotionless lines to tell our feelings. "Oh my gosh, what happened?" She asked, a concerned look sweeping across her face. "Tell me everything."

I told her, about the shootings, the bomb, my dad's anger...everything. I finished it off with the blunt phrase, "He didn't come back."

"That's awful!" Hoarsely whispered Ria.

"That is the worst thing I have ever heard you say." Said Karly flatly from where she was leaning against a wall nearby, one leg on the floor, the other planted on the wall, and her arms draped across her chest. Karly was almost as emotionless as me...that is, in public. At home she was C-R-A-Z-Y, but in public she was this smooth emo chick who was nearly impossible to offend. At home, though, she was a total FREAK. At home she was this really sweet and innocent girl with that never ending emo flair and those bright blue understanding eyes. Karly...yeah...she was something the good way I mean.

"I wonder how much of my explanation she had heard?" I thought to myself.

"I mean how can you say that so bluntly?!" She jabbed, letting her cool emoness slip a little.

"Do you not love him or something?" Asked Sophia as she walked up to us and joined the conversation.

"I do love him I just...I have to be strong."

"You mean so you don't let your emotions get in the way if you have to fight?" Asked Sophia.

Now I know Sophia hadn't heard my explanation.

"You know about everything?! Geez you guys!" I said pointing my words at Karly and Sophia. "You let me believe this entire time that you two had no idea about any of this? I suspected you kinda knew, but I thought I was at least halfway succeeding in keeping it a secret!"

"Well we figured that we would tell you only when you needed to know we knew...besides its kinda hard not to know after you've been in three shootings at the mall and all three times you were around one specific person." Explained Karly, now back to her smooth emo self.

"Let me guess. You want to come to my house and hang?" I surmised, breaking an awkward silence that had formed between us.

"Yes!!!" They exclaimed unanimously. So we all walked to my house. Yet little did we know that this simple trip to my house was going to change our lives forever.

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