Chapter 17

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Hello ma peeps!!! So here's another chapter from yours truly! Enjoy...ya know or don't...the choice is yours...😝


A lightning bolt seared the sky, revealing a throne room and three scared teenage girls chained to a wall.

"Nicky!" Shrieked the girls in unison, relieved.

"Silence!" I heard a gruff voice command as the lights flickered on. From where I stood, in front of the closing elevator doors, I had a full length view of my sorry excuse of an uncle, sitting on his throne of darkness. "Nikole..." He said turning his attention to me.

"Adrian.. " I shot back in a mocking tone.

"Adrian is dead...but Black Wolf lives." He retorted smirking.

A clap of thunder half deafened me and shook the building. In that moment, The Black Wolf launched himself from his throne and unsheathed his silver bladed sword. It glinted in the dim lighting, ominously, as if it were thirsty for blood...blood of the innocent. I lunged to the side in order to avoid being impaled. Luckily for me I didn't look down to see chains on my ankles and wrists, as in my dream.

I had little time to think my actions through as I fought with this point I was going on impulse, instinct, and reflexes. Then an idea struck me...perhaps I could use his decor against him. I grabbed a pair of decorative twin katanas from their metal resting place on the wall. I knew that there was no way I could defeat my uncle and carry out my vow to eliminate him, let alone survive this confrontation, without weapons.

Black Wolf chased me around the room with sword in hand. Eventually he had me cornered...I had run out of real estate. He jumped at me and brought his sword down with incredible speed and force. I barely managed to position the katana blades in a blocking position before he struck them. Metal rang against metal and sparks exploded from the sudden contact of the blades, cascading down to the floor where they glowed for an instant before fizzling out.

I pushed back on his blade with my katanas. I gave a solid heave and Black wolf stumbled backward. I gracefully jumped down from the small raised area of floor where his throne sat. Regaining his balance Black Wolf once again gave pursuit. He chased me to the center of the room. I lunged to the side and stopped as he slowed to a walk not far from me, where he began to circle me. I followed suit waiting for him to make a move.

"I called off my lethal ninjas specially for this encounter...I want to finish you myself...otherwise you would be dead by now. The ones you engaged in the lobby were but the lowest of my minions." He mused with pleasure. As soon as the last word had caressed his lips and settled in my ears, he struck, jumping at me once more with his sword poised to strike like some kind of bloodthirsty snake.

I wasn't ready and so reflexes took over. My reflexes told me to point one katana blade in the air and so I obeyed. I closed my eyes. An instant after, I felt a jolt on the sword that was in the air and I felt the sensation of hot blood stream over my hand and drip onto the floor. I opened my eyes to see my uncle impaled, my blade through his gut. I pulled the blade of of him and took a step back.

He hung his head to inspect the damage to his abdomen. Then he did something sick and unorthodox. He pooled some blood in his hand and threw it at my face. The warm liquid splashed against my skin as he raised his sword over his head. He brought down the sword and I slipped out of the way and behind him. He then held the sword to one side and spun around, trying to drive the blade into my side.

I quickly reacted and brought my one clean sword up and over in an arc and the other I used to block his attack. The arcing sword sliced through his throat as if it were made of butter and severed his jugular. Blood poured over the clean sword making it as bloody as its counterpart sword, which I had used to impale him with. My uncle looked upon me in horror and crumpled to the ground as the life flitted from his eyes. He was dead.

I heard one of the girls gasp loudly when he collapsed, they had been cheering me on while I was fighting and now they looked on in surprise. I stood with my swords hanging at my sides. Thick red-purple blood dripped from the points of my blades and pooled on the floor. I stood there trembling in shock of what I had just done. My arm throbbed where I had not completely blocked my uncle's attack and his sword had sliced through my upper arm, but I paid it no heed.

Coming to my senses I whispered, "That was for my parents...justice is served." The rain began...I could hear it pattering on the windows behind my uncle's throne.

I was about to toss my swords to the side and turn to help my friends out of their bonds when I felt something hit my back and send jolts of electricity through my body.

Someone must have informed the authorities of the commotion in this building because the cops just walked in. (Oh so NOW the cops find the place! Greeeaaat.) Something else hit my back and shocked me. By now I could tell that I had been tazed...twice. The energy coursed through me and I heard the girls calling my name as the world faded in and out and then to black.

BOOM!!! There you go you fellow readers/writers. Adios!!!!


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