Chapter 13

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I was sitting in one of the parks. It was Friday and today was the one day I had free time to draw. I was trying to finishing a picture of Superman. It was coming along nicely. I was so focused on my picture that I must have missed the feeling of being watched, like there was a presence in the park with me. But I didn't notice I was just worried about getting my drawing done.

Whack! All of a sudden my head hurt. Starting to lose consciousness I slumped over and my sketch diary and pencil fell out of my hands onto the ground. My head throbbed and everything was blurry, then everything faded to black.

I woke up, blinking rapidly. I was being approached by a man with duct tape and another man was holding me down. Thinking quickly I used one of the moves I was taught and escaped the one man's clutches while also managing to kick the guy with the duct tape in the face. I had only ran about ten yards when I was tackled from behind. Someone was on top of me with their knee in my back and their hands holding mine down. I was flat on my stomach being pressed into the ground.

"Nice try, but that's not going to work. You're actually the only one who attempted to put up a fight." A voiced hissed into my ear as its owner mused about my attempted escape.

"Only one? What's he talking about?" I thought while silently panicking.

"Now Karly, you didn't honestly think you could get away did you?" The voice said. How does he know my name? I turned my head and glanced up at the person whispering in my ear. The Black Wolf!!!

"YOU!" I spat.

"Yes me." He said as he used his head to motion over the guy with the duct tape who now had a bruised cheek, courtesy of me. They tied my hands behind my back and my feet together.

Turning me over The Black Wolf shoved something in my face. "Speak!" He growled harshly.

I stared at him incredulously. My face probably saying something like: seriously? "You are seriously twisted you freak!" I spat out as if the words were poison in my mouth "Go crawl back into the stinking hole that you came from!" I growled,trying to sound tough.

The Black Wolf just laughed and said, "That will be all."

Confused I felt the other man duct tape mouth shut. I was then carried to a black van and tossed in, my head banging the side of the van. My head throbbed. I looked up to observe my surroundings when I saw... Ria? Sophia?

I looked at them in horror. Ria was beside me and Sophia was leaning against the other side of the van. They looked back at me with scared eyes, as if they were pleading me to do something, but I was just as helpless as they were. I knew then that I had to be strong...for them.

The Black Wolf entered the back of the van, holding my sketchbook and pencil. They weren't leaving any evidence. He threw the book and pencil beside me and whipped out a phone and the thing he had stuck in my face. I saw the other girls hang their heads in despair. Just then, the number The Black Wolf had punched in had been answered mom?! He was calling my mom?!   

Speaking into the thing he said, "Mom I'm going to stay the night at Nicky's house okay?" His voice sounded like mine when he spoke into it.

"Sure honey, see you when you get home tomorrow." I heard my mom answer.

"NO!!! Don't listen to him mom!!!" I screamed in my head.

He smirked at me and took a seat up front. The van drove away nothing left signs of a struggle.

"Nicky...I hope you're in better shape than we are." I thought.

Soon after we left the park where I had been kidnapped, we arrived at this old abandoned office building. It looked dark and creepy, like something out of a horror movie. I was scared, but tried not to show it.

When the van parked three guys from the building ran out, dragging us inside the building and into the elevator. I then realized that these guys were part of the pack that Nicky had been telling us about. The elevator stopped moving and the doors opened revealing a large room with a throne at one end. Weapons of every kind lined the walls, menacingly. We were drug to one wall where our duct tape bonds were replaced by chains.

When the tape was pulled from our mouths we all grimaced and looked at each other. We were chained to the same wall and we were all in a row. "Are you guys okay?" I asked pursing my lips as another bout of throbs racked my brain, I could have sworn I had a concussion on account of the dizziness, headache, and nausea.

"Yeah." They answered in unison

"And you?" asked Ria, always the one concerned for others.

"I...I'm fine." I replied hesitantly.

"I know that phrase all too well Karly. What's wrong?"

"I think I have a concussion." I whispered, trying not to let any of the pack know I was in any way vulnerable. "I'll be alright though."

Ria and Sophia glanced at each other and Ria shot me a look that said: Are you sure? I'm worried about you.

"I'm fine guys, really." I managed to say before the doors of the elevator opened and revealed The Black Wolf. He strode into the room, looking at is evilly as he passed by, and approached his throne. He eased into the chair and placed his fingertips on each corresponding fingertip. We all clammed up.

"I'm sure you're wondering why you're here." He commented. I couldn't tell if he was talking to us or to himself. He continued on. "I bet you're scared out of your minds right about now." He mused. "I will tell you why you're here. You are here to aid me in finishing what I started. I have killed my brother and his wife now it's my niece's turn. She is the last person I must kill, then my work will be finished."

"You're gonna kill Nicky?! Why?!" Yelled Sophia.

"Yeah, what'd she ever do to you?!" I prodded, shooting him a look that I hoped looked so furious and disgusted that if looks could kill...he would be dead...VERY dead.

"She was born into that family...that is want she did."

My mouth dropped open. He was going to kill an innocent for his own pleasure. That was so sick. "Do you honestly think we would help you kill our best friend? Besides I don't see how we could help you in the first place." I commented with reason.

He laughed with zest before he spoke. "Don't you see?" He mused, pulling out his phone. "I will use you to lure her in. YOU are the bait."

Okay I know it's been forever since I updated...but here you go! Enjoy!

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