Chapter 11

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It was Friday night. I was at the public basketball court...the usual. I was thinking about all the progress I had made in my training. I felt like I was really coming along. Lost in thought I didn't notice the noise coming from the alley on the other side of the court.

All of a sudden I heard this whizzing noise and them bam! I felt something cold wrap around my legs and I fell, dropping the basketball I was using. Looking down I saw it was a string of chains tied together with weights at the end. Who...? I thought as someone grabbed me from behind and tied my hands together.

I tried to fight  my way out of the chains binding my feet, but that didn't work. The more I struggled, the worse I hurt. Already my ankle was bleeding from when the chains smote it, leaving a gash.

I was then thrown into the back of a black van that was parked in the alley. I squirmed a bit trying once more to free myself. "Stop struggling, Sophia." Said a gruff voice, that made my hair bristle and stand on end. How did he know my name? "Speak." said the voice as its owner came into view from the shadows of the van and shoved some kind of device in my face. The Black Wolf, Nikole's uncle.

"About what? I have nothing to say to you anyway." I hissed, turning my head away.

"That will be all." He said smirking.


"You! Silence her!" He growled at a man sitting in the corner with duct tape.

Before I knew it the man pounced on me and slapped some duct tape over my mouth. My mouth had been taped shut.

"At least it isn't a gag." I thought to myself.

I saw The Black Wolf fiddle with the device and whip out a phone. Once he had finished doing whatever with the device, he dialed a number on the phone. Using my sensitive ears, I listened for the noise each number made. I expected it to be the number sounds of Nicky's cell number, but it wasn't. was my home phone number!

The phone rang twice at home before my mom answered. Speaking into the device I heard The Black Wolf say, "Yeah mom? It's Sophia...I'm going to Nikole's to stay the night, okay?" (Just for clarification, no adults outside her family know about Nicky's house being burned down or her parents' for The Black Wolf, he knows Nicky wouldn't get other adults mixed up in her family yeah, if you were wondering)

The reply was, "Okay honey, just don't have too much fun."

"Oh yeah I'm having a blast." I thought sarcastically. I wanted to scream for my mother to come save me, but I knew there was no point in even trying, my mouth was taped too tightly for me to be able to even make much of a noise let alone talk. My mother never would have fallen for that if he hadn't been using a voice modifier. He had recorded my voice and had used it to sound like me! That's not the concern now though. Now the concern is...where is this guy taking me and why...?

The van then sped away from the scene of my kidnapping, without leaving a trace.

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